I regret to say that since my returning to this country of mine, I was unable, owing to other pressing duties, to spare time enough for any Indian studies, especially for the Dharmadipika, which however I do'nt let let slip out of my “Nayanagocara"
Pro. Sylvain Levi is not here. He has left for Japan where he will stay about one year in the capacity of "Directeur de la Maison franco Japonaise" (Directer, Franco-Japanse House) Tokyo. I do not know whether he will return through India.
Yours very sincerely.
Toulon, 16 December 29. Dear Sir,
I have duly received the Tritiyavibhaga of Uttaradhyaya. na Sutra which you have kindly sent to me. I thank you most heartily for the gift of a work so important for the history of the Jaina creed, and I hope you will see it through without any hindrance.
I have recently lelt Paris and pitched my tent in ths french Dakshinapatha more congenial to my health. My address is now:
Villa Santaram Montee Gueyras, Ste Cotherene Toulon (var)
yours very sincerely,
L. FINOT. www.umaragyanbhandar.com
Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat