A letter from Dr. L. P. Tassitori's father
Udine, December 28th 1919.
(Via Cussignacco 13 ) Italy. Sir,
I know what you have done for my son and know also how thankful and attached he was to you. Therefore I apply to you and ask a favour, sure that you will do everything possible to obtain it.
On the 25th November the Consul of Bombay, Pitacco, telegraphed to the Mayor of Udine: “I pray you to announce to Mr. Guido Tassitori his son's—Luigi Pio Tassitori- death happened in Bikaner on the 22nd November". Thirty six days have passed from my son's death and till now we haven't got any news at all, about his death and we ignore also if measures were taken for the preserving of his mortal remains so to make possible an eventual conveyance of the same to Italy. I don't know if you have some details about the catastrophe; but I hope that you may get any in short and with more preciseness than we can. Therefore I beg you, also for my poor daughters, to help us in this sorrowful circumstance and, if possible to interest yourself in order that the Government with magnanimous generosity may dispose for the translation of his body to Italy.
With the hope that you shall help me, I present to you with my family my kindest regards and the expressions of my everlasting thankfulness.
Sincerely yours,
GUIDO TASSITORI. N. B. If in an Indian Newspaper one has spoken of the works
and the death of my poor son, I will be very obliged if you will send me some example.
Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat