NOTES AND NEWS preaching but by personal association. Example rather than precept is what appeals best to a young man, as I suppose to older people too. Special care bas, therefore, to be taken in selecting the right sort of man for the post of warden.
This institution, as you say, owes its origin to the filial piety of the brothers Jinachandra Pandit and Vardhamana Pandit, who have together contributed Rs. 30,000 in endowing it and conducting it for four years. Their father, the late Mr. Aramane Padmaraja Pandit, was a scholar, and his sons carry on the scholarly traditions of the family, and it is but fitting that the memorial should take the form of a boarding home for students. I must congratulate them on the successful issue of their endeavours. It must be very gratifying to them, as it is very pleasing to me, to see the generous and appreciative manner in which their friends and their community have secondod their efforts.
The Jain Community. I do not quite understand why you call the Jains a back. ward community. You have given names illustrious in Kannada letters, and your glory will live in works of sculpture and architecture so long as men have eyes to see and sense to admire. To you belongs the glory of proclaiming the gospel of tenderness to all sentient creatures, at a time when men were deaf to the mute eloquence of suffering life. In our own days, you have produced men who have done well and worthily as scholars and as businessmen, and played their parte honourabls in the world.
I am very glad to hear that you have taken in hand the improvement of the fairly extensive lands which form part of the endowment of this institution. I am sure the Agricultural Department would gladly render any assistance that might be required of them in this undertaking. I should be very pleased to hear that the improvements have been effected and that the expectation that the income from the land would place the Home beyond financial anxiety, has been realised.
You refer in your address to the fact that the grant made by Government towards the cost of your building was less
Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat