39 namo of their learned father the late Mr. Aramane Padmaraja Pandit. It would have been better if they had named the institution Jain Boarding Home and not Jain Brahmin Boarding Home. It is hightime for us to give up sectarian denominations. Let every Jain institution be open to all the Jains of all the sects and sub-sects. We wish the Mysore Jain Students' Home a very prosperous and useful carrer. A full account of the opening ceremony is given below.
A Mysore correspondent writes :
A very large and distinguished gathering comprising the elite of Mysore City assembled on the 16th February evening at a special pandal put up outside Aramane Padmaraja Pandit's Jain Brahmin Boarding Home in Chạmundi Extension to witness the ceremony of opening thọ Home by Amin-ul-Mulk Sir Mirza M. Ismail, Dowan of Mysore.
Verses in Sanskțit, Persian, and Kannada composed in praise of the Dewan and his services to the State Ware recited and Mr. M. C. Lakshmipathiah, in a lengthy addrogs in Kannada recounting the origin of the Home, requested the Dewan to perform the opening ceremony.
The Dewan's Speech. Sir Mirsa Ismail declared the Home open and said: "I need hardly assure you of the great pleasure which it has given me to accept your invitation to open this hostel, and I must thank you for the generous references which you have made to me and for the good wishes, so gracefully expressed, in your address.
Denominational Lastitutions. Hostels or other institutioqs of a denominational kind are not altogether a blessing in a country liko ours. with its diverse castes and creeds, because they tend to emphasizo, if not to perpetuate, those differences and distinctions whipb it must be the desiro of every patriotic Indian with a vinjen for the future-to minimise, and, as far as possibde, to ignore.
Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat