35 Queen of the King of that (Country) the Crown of Sundara which the King of the South (í.o., the Pandya) bad formerly given to that (King of Iram); the pearl-necklace of Indra; the whole Iramandalam on the transparent sea ; the crown praised by many a family treasure, which the spear throwing King of Kerala usually wore; the garland of the Sun (?) many ancient islands which are the old and great guards of the shore against which conches are dashed; the Crown of pure gold worthy of Lakshmi which Parasurama who out of anger bound the Kings twenty-one times in battle having thought the fort of the island of Sandima (i.e. Santimat) unapproachable had deposited (there); the soven and a half Lakshas of Irattapadi through the conquest of which immeasurable fame arose_(of) Jayasimha who out of fear and full of revenge turned his back at Musangi (?) and hid him self; the High mountains of Navanedikkula Sakkarakottam (belonging to) Vikramavira; Maduramandalam with the fort of Mudirapada (?) Namanaikkonam which is surrounded by dense groves Panchappalli (belonging to) Venjilaivira the good Magunidesa where leaves and fruits are green; the large heap of family treasures together with many (other) treasures (which he carried away) after having seized Dhiratara of the old race. Of the moon together with his family in a fight which took place in the Hall (at) Adinagar, (a city) which is famous for its unceasing abundanoo; Oddo-vishaya whose copious waters are difficult to approach; the good Kosalai-nadu, whore Brahmanas assemble; Dandabutti (i.e.) (Landa-Chukti) in whose gardens bees abound (and which he acquired) after having destroyed Dharmapala in a hot battle; Takkanaladam (i e. Dakshina Lata) whose fame reaches (all) Directions, and which he occupied after having forcibly attacked Ranasura; Vangaladesa where the Rain does not last (long) and from which Govindachandrá having lost bis fortune, fled; elephants of rare strength (which hó took away) after having been pleased to frighton in a hot battle Mahipala of Sangu-kottam (?) which touches the sea ; the treasures of women (?) Uttiraladam (i.e.) (Uttäfalata) on
Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat