I pray Thee that Thou, born from the mouth of the Jinendra, O Mother ! be pleased with me and ever dwell in my heart and granting me Right Faith, protect me. I now proceed to worship Thee !
Om, Rhim. The twelve-fold Sruta-jnana (Wisdom
Divine)Come hither ! Come hither! Om, Rhim. The twelve-fold Sruta-jnana. Stay here,
Stay here. Om, Rhim, The twelve-fold Sruta-jnana ! be connected
with me l be connected with me. He who is worshipped by all Jivas for the excellence of his conduct, who has attained to greatness on account of his faultless austerities in the world, who is the senior to (greater than) all other living beings, by reason of his uncommon virtues: I shall worship the pair of lotus feet of such a great Preceptor !
Om Rhim, The Acharya, the Upadhyaya and the
community of all saints come hither; come hither! Om Rhim, The Acharya, the Upadhyaya and the
community of all saints, be seated here; be
seated here! Om Rhim, The Acharya, Upadhyaya and the com
munity of all saints. be connected with me, be
connected with me! I worship with a stream of water which is as pure and sacred as the water from the ocean of milk Lord Jinendra at whose feet, the king of the gods of the heaven, the Ruler of the gods of the Naga Loka (below the Earth) and the Emperors of men bow their heads : also (I offer worship) to the Word of the sacred Law as well as the Saints.
Om Rhim, With water, I worship the Arhat Parameshtin, who is endowed with all-embracing infinite knowledge, who is devoid of the eighteen doshas (afflictions) birth, death and the rest and who is possessed of six and forty divine attributes.
Accomplished ! Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat