163 How many people who have been pronounced incurable are healthily living to-day ?
Until medical science has gone further we cannot tell delinitely whether a person will die. And then when science has gone perhaps siill further we shall have enough knowledge to cure the discase.
If doctors could end the sufferings of people by killing them a certain incentive to medical progress would go.
When it is realised how many sane people have been shut in asylums, danger can be seen in the knowledge that two people have power to sign a death sentence.
An even graver danger, fron. its risk of potential crime, is the proposal that people who help a person to commit suicide shall not be held to have committed a punishable cffence. Who will be able to prove that the supposed suicide's act was wilful?
Whether operations should be carried out on prospective mothers whose health would be endangered by the birth of a child, who already have three children, or who prove that they and thcir husbands have not the means to support a child, is a problem deserving long consideration.
In Soviet Russia, already the prospective mother can come belore a small committee and if her evidence is convincing receive a purmit to place herself under the appropriate hospital specialists.
In America hundreds of such operations are carried out every year for huge fee under the disguise of appendicitis. And anyone whose duties take him to the criminal courts of this country knows what surprising number of women risk their lives and other people, their freedom to prevent ihe coming of a child.
Because life has begun, should a child necessarily be brought into the world to neglect and misery ?-that is the question. And should children already living have to share their meagre food or scarce parental love with another?
Whether incurable disease should be a ground for divorce is another question that had often forced itself upon the minds of people of this country.
Just because one partner is afflicted it seems hard that the Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat