THE JAINA GAZETTE subject. The large number of vernacular versions of ancient Sanskrit and Prakrit texts, as well as the practice of copying original texts in the local script is undoubted evidence of the medium of instruction.
The paintings of the walls of the math at Sravana Belgola illustrating classical themes, also show how fine arts were exploited as handmaids to popular instruction. (Cf. Mysore Archaeological Report, 1912-13, p. 7; Ibid 1914-15; pp. 31-32 and plate XVII).
Finally the end of all Jaina idealism being Moksa, practical displine was inculcated on Jaina laymen by a sort of spiritual apprenticeship as in the case of Poshadka Vrata, by which gri hastas or house-holders occasionally adopted the harder life of the ascetics. Thus Jaina education in the bastis was all-sided, theoretical and practical, religious as well as secular, imparted mostly in the vernaculars and inspired most of all by the exemplary life of their gurus.
The Jains and Politics. It is to be highly deplored that the Jains are not alive to their rights and responsibilities. Their political rights can well be described to be next to nothing. The Government is kept busy by the agitators. It is an old saying whose verity needs no proof viz. “Ask and it shall be given and knock and it shall be opened." The entire political structure of India is in the melting pot. Communities are vying with one another as to their share of rights in the government of the country. The situation is so critical that even communications which have been always speaking for the Congress Creed have now begun to ask and appeal for themselves as a community, provoked by inslinct of self preservation.
But what about the Jains. Where is the Jaina political conference and what is it doing? The Jains should awake and arise at least now lest they should be for ever fallen and trodden down in the race of communities.
One chief reason why the Jains cannot afford to be negligent of their rights and duties is that they form an important mercan. Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat