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dependent on jnana, knowledge. The theory of the evolution of Ptakrti, beginning with Buddhi, Ahankara, and Manas, appears, to my mind, to have been invented in order to explain the effi, ciency of contemplation for acquiring supernatural powers and for liberating, the souk. Sankhya-Yoga. is a philosophical system of ascetics; but their asceticism has been much refined and has beconie spiritualzized in a high degree. The asceticims of the Jainas is: of a more original character; it: chiefly aims at the purging of the soul from the impurities of karman. Jainism may have refined: the asceticism then current in India; it certainly rejected many, exstravagances, such as the voluntary inflicting of pains; but it did not. alter its charar cter as a whole. It. perpetuated. an older: or more! original phase: oh asceticism than the Brahmaniead Yoga; and carries us back. to. an oldan gratum of religious life, in which we can still deteca relics of primitive speculation in the shape of such, cruder notions, as I have had occasion to mention in the course of my: paper
i ; 17. In conclusion: I shall shortly, touch om the third ourrent of Indian philosophical speculation; viz, the philosophy of the Pandits. which is repres. sented to us by the Nyaya and Vaistieskika
systems. This philosophiy may be characterizedy Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat www.umaragyanbhandar.com