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## Āgama Sūtra 39, Cheda Sūtra-5, 'Mahānishīth'
**Study/Purpose/Sūtra Number**
To consider the body as disgusting. To feel aversion. To doubt whether one will get the fruits of Dharma or not. Not to praise the virtues of the Samyaktvādi. To lose faith in Dharma. Not to encourage those who desire to abandon Sadhupana. Not to have affection for a Sadharmika or not to show devotion to the Shasana-prabhava even when one has the power. To understand these eight points from the perspective of Darshanakushila.
There are different types of Darshanakushila according to Noāgama. They are: Chakshu-kushīla, Ghrana-kushīla, Shravana-kushīla, Jihva-kushīla, and Sharira-kushīla. Chakshu-kushīla is of three types: Prashasta-chakshu-kushīla, Prashasta-aprashasta-chakshu-kushīla, and Aprashasta-chakshu-kushīla. One who keeps their gaze fixed on the image of a Tirthankara Bhagvant like Rishabha, etc., is called Prashasta-chakshu-kushīla. Prashasta-aprashasta-chakshu-kushīla is one who, while looking at the image of the Tirthankara Bhagvant with their heart and eyes, looks at something else. And then, Prashasta-aprashasta-chakshu-kushīla is one who looks at something like a crow, a bug, a blanket, a butterfly, a peacock, etc., or a beautiful woman with charming beauty.
O Bhagvant! What are the sixty-six Aprashasta-chakshu-bheda? O Gautam! They are: 1. Sabhrakataksha, 2. Tara, 3. Manda, 4. Madalsa, 5. Vankā, 6. Vivankā, 7. Kushīla, 8. Ardha-ikshita, 9. Kana-ikshita, 10. Bhramita, 11. Udbhramita, 12. Chalita, 13. Valita, 14. Chalavalita, 15. Ardhamilita, 16. Milimila, 17. Manusya, 18. Pashva, 19. Yakshika, 20. Sarisrupa, 21. Ashanta, 22. Aprasanta, 23. Asthira, 24. Bahuvakasha, 25. Sanuraga, 26. Ragu-udaranī, 27. Rogaja-rajaga, 28. Amaya-utpadani-mad-utpadani, 29. Madani, 30. Mohani, 31. Vyamohi, 32. Bhaya-udirani, 33. Bhayajani, 34. Bhayankari, 35. Hridayabhedani, 36. Sanshaya-apaharani, 37. Chitta-chamatkara-utpadani, 38. Nibaddha, 39. Anibaddha, 40. Gata, 41. Agata, 42. Gata-gata, 43. Gata-gata-patyagata, 44. Nirdharani, 45. Abhilashani, 46. Aratikara, 47. Ratikara, 48. Dina, 49. Dayamani, 50. Shura, 51. Dhira, 52. Hanani, 53. Marani, 54. Tapani, 55. Santapani, 56. Kruddha-prakruddha, 57. Dhira-maha-dhira, 58. Chandi, 59. Da-surudra, 60. Haha-bhuta-sharana, 61. Ruksha, 62. Snigdha, 63. Ruksha-snigdha. (Understand the meaning of these types of Kushīla-drishti according to their names.)
To look at the feet, toes, the front part of the feet, nails, hands that are well-decorated, the body and nails colored with red or alta, nails that are like a rainbow due to the gathering of the rays of gems, feet that are raised like a tortoise, well-rounded knees, thighs, the place of the wide waist, the groin, buttocks, navel, breasts, the area near the private parts, the throat, the shoulder joint, the lower lip, the lips, the teeth, the ears, the nose, the eyes, the eyebrows, the mouth, the forehead, the head, the hair, the braid, the twisted braid, the back, the tilak, the earrings, the cheeks, the hair that is like the leaves of the tamal tree with black color from anjan, the bodice, the anklets, the bracelets adorned with gems, the bangles, the rings, etc., all the beautiful and glittering ornaments, the thin silk clothes, the fine clothes, etc., that are used to decorate the women, and to look at these parts, limbs, ornaments, etc., of the women with desire and lustful eyes, is called Chakshu-kushīla. (Sūtra 623-624)
One who goes to smell a good fragrance and wrinkles their nose and feels disgusted when they smell a bad odor is called Ghrana-kushīla.
There are two types of Shravana-kushīla: Prashasta and Aprashasta. One who listens to Gandharva-nataka, Dhanurveda, Hast-shiksha, Kamashastra, Ratishashtra, etc., which arouse lust, excitement, and passion, and does not criticize them or perform their atonement, is considered Aprashasta-shravana-kushīla.
There are many types of Jihva-kushīla. They are: bitter, pungent, tasteless, sweet, sour, and salty tastes.
**Muni Diparatnasagar Krit (Mahānishīth) Āgama Sūtra - Hindi Anuvad**
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