attend to their chief principles, they will achieve their own and their national good. Jainism offers direct happiness by the aid of the law of cause and effect. No miracles are invented for the purpose. The results good or bad that it promises, are proved to be so with convincing reasons.
Several things are to be told with various objects; of these objects the principle and secondary ones differ accordiog to the circumstances; for instance, the Jain religion prescri. bes drinking of water after filtering and boiling it and this command is zealously obeyed by the Jains. In this, non-killing ( STAT) is said to be the primary object; yet sanitation too is one of its motives. It is also meant for preventing poisonous germs from entering the stomach. So also, non-killing is the principle object in disallowing eating at night. Still the object of sanitation goes along with it. Poisonous basc. ilii multiply numerously at night. Hence the modern science of medicine advises to stay at
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