'An Account of
water-particals in which it is immersed. This is the bandage of the Karmas. The bandage The fourfold is fourfold; (1) Prakrati Bandh (2) bandage Sthiti Bandh (3) Anubhag-Bandh and ( 4 ) Pradesh Bandh, There are eight primary and hundred and forty-eight secondary Prakritis or qualities of the Karmas as a thing has the quality of being sour, salty and so on. One obstructs knowledge, another obstructs intuition ( insight ), another confuses truth and falsehood, another leads to wrong path, another causes the illusion of pleasure and pain and so on. The primary Prakritis correspond
The to each of the eight Karmas. That Prakritis. which obstructs knowledge is the Dnyanavaraniya Prakrati; that which obstructs insight, is the Darshanavaraniya Prakriti; that which produces the illusion of pleasure and pain is the Vedaniya Prakrati; that which makes the mind suspicious about the true good and creates the passions is the Mohaniya Pro kriti; that which gives rebirth is the Aya pra
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