According to Rupamandana,
on white lotus and her colour is white.
She is four-armed and
has a Jațamukuta and ear-rings made of pearl. She has three-eyes. She carries Sudanda and akṣamälä in her two right hands and in the left pustaka and padma respectively.
In Dipārṇava, 20 twelve forms of Sarasvati are mentioned such as Sarasvati, Kamalā, Jaya, Vijaya, Sarangi, Tumbari, Naradi, Sarvamarigala, Vidyadhara, Sarvavidy and sarada. The images of these forms are always four armed bus varies, only in their attributes and mudrās. As a rule, in the hands of the devi, among akṣamālā, pustaka, viņā, padma,
the goddess is seated
varada and abhaya, any four should be present as her attributes. Sarasvati (second) is also called as hamsavahini.
The Devata-murti Prakarana refers to a four-armed image of Goddess of learning. She holds in her three hands lotus, akṣasutra, book and she shows the abhaya mudra in the fourth one.
she is
In the Dasa-sloki of Rahasyapanishad, described as four-handed, carrying akṣamālā, ankuga, Pasa and Pustaka. She wears garland of pearls. Her neck is like
sankha decorated with all ornaments.
She resides on the tip of the tongue of Her devotees. Her hair is adorned by the crescent moon.
The Asvalayana Kalpa sutra2 gives the characters of Dhenu Vägisvarl, as one of the form of Sarasvati. Her colour is white like crystal. She wears white garlands, and