Brid Communication
The more popular Jaina Maharastri texts already show signs of new developments; thus kiha "why' appears in the Vasudevahindi (92.16), kiha bihesi 'why are you afraid?! This word must probably be explained from katham how?' influenced by kih. New forms based on the interrogative pronoun, particularly the neuter plural lain, become prevalent in Apabhramsa, and a new cycle of fixed locutions begins.
wedish Deutsche... Wie Desser Past is t in einigen Pul Paste for Dentale inge s
of the distinctive vaba while of phone in any disetele for further invest
Only a few Midden-Aryan have been quoted by Picbel showing changes between palatasaad destals, and the low are mainly derivatives of the desiderative of certain verb:
pair. The story of
a derivatism in the
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the talem b ag. 18. in connect with arith metlicontaining mum
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Mi and Made IndoAryss only the special n ing
survived Pal m eonlight moonlight whe,
bright forscht of the most
do l or night, moonlight Prikrita , dond, et moonlight Hindi
light, Nepall moon, Sina moon It is the
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Deltamala V. 49) d air
Tom. IV 194
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கழகnation of turpugate Tres iron stails" ( s wdhara Apa hare
papan) bew ed. There is obsberat (Via IV.
thention between doors, nicht and other
wondering the on: Sank a ra, Prikrit The change the dental healt o deal mone, night-makeranaki dom in the few examples are due to a variety of
* w i ng. Die La
Berlin 2005 1 CONTAMINAS
P. Sehr Gel o pair and dow n light are set of all , Heidelberg , 73. Ale K Hoffman phoneti interes; the change the initialatalo OMG 110, 10, 151 dental and in the words is due to contami.
Turner, Comparatie Dia ry of the Indosation
Aron Long , Fe, IV. p. 20, Oxford 1964 It has alwly been suggested by Paobel that the
Mali Tel Society's Pala Dictionar development of ma p ato da could have been London - 332
W Adam, Early due to istion with AMG. IM, duke Nistory
Co, Coba 10,3
rd-change in Prakt
The development of Old to Middle Indo-Aryan is bar in the course of the evolution of the Prikrit dialects. In stedsinly by profund changes in phonemediate the s on of major phoneme change in any Prakrit bution, and especially in the catering of consta dinlet od particularly in thes e of any changes There are only comparatively few major phone involving whole group of th e other changes and only a reduction in the number of the thesibilasta) one st o re prised to read in poemes it is my try that only on the great work of Pa t ie wens die phomes o marginal tit l e have been fototisch mit Labiale... An der Palstalen finden
18. M. Katre, Problems of Recoration in Argon, Simla 1958, p. 7
R. Pachel, Grown burg 1900, p. 215.
der Prakrit Sprachen, Bursa
- 164
- 165