SCHWAR CHILD: The Middle Indo-Aryo Profis
BCHWAR CHILD: The Middle Indo-Aryan Prufa
is so more after initial stabilisation does seem showed that the change of tow was later to beur in close proximity with other labial Pand, but not s r . While this evidence may
a nts in Middle Indo-Aryan anda be regarded conclusive only for the early Occasionally changed to in p om a nd formative year of the Middle Indo-Aryan prathama "first.
languages, it would make us inclined to attribute As shown above, the phoneties which rather late Apsbhramla date to the further lavoured the use of contrusting vowel after change in pronunciation by which initial may initial had disappeared early. It is therefore have developed into unrounded bilabial not surprising that Middle Indo-Aryan should be frestive with complete closure in articulation tolerant of initial and But spart from the listely bemeentes with over large very noticeable extension of the prefix
parts of Easter Indis way. disc above, the sound combinations
The Middle Indo-Aryan development show and were not very common and there was
that there has no been a radical change in the O general tendency towards Founding of a
Tihonemie system. The Old Indo-Aryan system after
From these indicatione it would and that contained two semivowels which were closely initial pronounced without lirondine parallel and were mainly used with contrasting in Middle Indo-Aryan and that it was probably vowels in the initial position. y probably end still a labio-dental frientive. This view con to have any independent phonemie vale in most firmed by the conclusions of H. Berger, whe Middle Indo-Aryan languages; but the history
of the prefix help to show that initial Pelapot. 1. Berger, Probleme der Minden
mained distincta labio dental for a consider Loutre, Munich, 1905), pp. 51
sble period.
completely, in rokkhandaya arriving coming totum, the future wocchi, ete. The verb olla close' which is connected with khanda attack to walk which may have been based on a and ultimately with and leap. In the major followed this analog. Very similar in develop ity of compounds the original meaning of
the more word waar o m what is very clear. Typical of such wonde is the adje s to be woven, which occurs in the Gandhar tive are put gone, which is listed in the Dharmapade (v. 149). wow has been explained Delinmemeld, but the derivation of this word by J. Brough is derived from the rare verb and its connection with a frightened top to weave the vocalism being influenced are quite unknown.
by Prekrit du, which represents either the past The Jain Maharisrt word w atthalso participle omwoven', or the noun of welt. e
past and derived from the modern Marathi word of Gujarati el yot e pt. This etymology is supported the form id appearing in the Delima by the existence in Prakrit of words and the older Marthi 's may all be
yote change. The prefisso, y connected with the verb to weave and the introdud into the word on it seemed same past participle omwoven with me to fit in partlarly well with the meaning and hesitation over the presence or absence of the there were stamber of synonyms beginning initial consonant. The Prakrit word je load with two roli, s hare one. One might (Hindi bujh) is very similar information: it is feel tempted to believe that the use of the form derived from the obligatory participle who
och instead of recenthe, which would have that which is to be carried, (w), which was been thermal derivative of l
i fe.ced by the article and the not due to the influence of the prisot to finitive
On this verbal no ho possible pounding of the vowel a to, brought on there w as a new Middle Indo-Aryan sbout by the initial labial consonant. But sich verb hal toesty. tendency to rounding seems to have been almost some of the other words in which there might unknown in Middle Indo Aryan. In most cases appear to be evidence of labilisation of a to where one might suspect rounding there is by preceding are either of restricted occur more probable alterative explanation. Bakrit ne or of very uncertain origin. The und
habeat l y represented in Middle wine, which been just one in the Indo-Aryan by the best. The change of A r t of the Paco of Sambha to in this wondhas now been ined by H C de pe to be connected with the Sanskrit Bhayanis due to the influence of adha and wond e bon. A few words of unknown origin other parts of the verb to trupor, convey might show this type of rounding, but none of the with which it was still soorinted. The history viable examples ne convin t hu Sanerit of the Inte Middle Indo-Aryan verbs olla 'to ba n d is almost certainly related to Prikrit walk d ollar to speak' is very complex, but raha, cha, but the change in the vowel the presence of the vowel in the verbs is might well be connected with the posible units unlikely to be simply due to i t . If origin of this word. A few Prakrit verbs are most ome were to seept the view that made to speak' difficult to explain in this respects they are is ultimately based on the would alwa tofan Sanskrit ), and seem to be due to the analogy of those parts of Sankt-) to fear, well as the post the verb that contained
Bankritt, participe n , und anskrit wignal and whenee slothe Middle Todo-Aryan infinitive ein rightened. All these forme do seem to Pr o f
show some kind of labilisation after the initial Madee, ed. He Bhayan, but other puer Vol. IIT Bombay. 10. 224
to excluded, and it Not
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is difficult for instance to discite this group JAO 11, 2016
of words from here frightened. Although it