SCHWACHILD: The Middle Indoren Preto
SPORADIC CHANGES OF VOWELS IN MIDDLE INDO-ARYAN 31 Servant' (apart from an isolated example of suya seveka in the Kalpasitra)" and waya wepaka'shivering' in Middle Indo-Aryan, and forms such as deurdin devral husband's younger brother's wife. and diso (Nepali)<divasa'day' are not usual till the modern languages
When the intervocalic consonants of Sanskrit weakened, and in the case of dentals, gutturals and y disappeared, the use of vowels in hiatus, practically unknown within Sanskrit words, became a prominent feature of the phonetic system. The groups of vowels with the maximum phonetic difference all and to a slightly lesser extent al were particularly favoured The frequent use of af and all was all-important in lending a certain stability to Apabhramsa, where all was the final of the nominative singular of all extended masculine nouns, and al was the final of the third person singular of the verb. Apart form the cases where all and al resulted from regular sound-changes there are also some words, as shown above, where they are due to differentiation, which therefore has a certain sig nificance in the phonetic development of Middle Indo-Aryan Vocalic dissimilation on the other hand is so rare as to be insignificant: the extreme scarcity of vocalic dissimilation is connected with the absence of a heavy stress dccent in Middle Indo-Aryan.
THERS MOCH INDIRECT AND VAGUE other position, particularly slide (es. Vedie DENCES to what the Middle Indo-Arya dialects raylar is), but some of these are compar really sounded like. Writers of works in Prakrittively late formations such as may and by the often justify there of the language by e l latter first appeared in the Alham Vedo. The statements such a paradunkband, pode
for the city of the sound combinations bandh bhei r works in Sanskrit so hard, and in B ritis probably connected Prakrit work is delicate (
R h am, kar with the fact that and hud distinctly volio maart Act. 1), or they describe Prakritu lt in the older forms of Indo-Aryan, and as poem w mabura hrachandasiyam lam h ofte been pointed out, they could be syllable pleasing and made up of vere consisting of in Vedie poetry Contrating wowels were there sweet-sounding syllables (Jynalabha, Vald fore favored Alter these mi yowels, particularly lapam v. 28). But even in the works of the Prakrit in the important initial position. There was little Emmans detailed statements on pronunc tendency towards the kind of similation that is tion relacking. It is quite clear from the evidence found in some corresponding Avestan forms: Av. of the texts that have come down to that Yim, kl. Yami, Av. walskt all, and proba marked differences exlated between the phone by Ayo, ON There is some evidence that Bystem of Sanskrit and that of the Middle Indo y and were more tensely articulated in initial Aryan language. The general distribution of position, and particularly in the post-Vedie period phonemes show even greater divergence is there was beginning to be marked difference in well known some combination of sounds much articulation between initial and medial semi complex consonantal dusters were common in vowel w All has shown incontrovertibly Sanskrit, but did not fire normally in Middle that there was much rester degree of closure Indo-Aryan. On the other hand certain sound in the artition of the initial and then there combinations that did not exist in Hankris, of wil in Mel ation and the been shown by were very mure, have become more frequent. The Vam on the evidence of the Pri ya that reasons underlying these developments may help at least for the initial position Brugmann's theory to throw some light on the pronunciation of w richt and initial wis pronounced as a Middle Indo-Aryan. It is proposed to examine one voiced labio-dental frientive in the post-Vedie och instance bere
period. The result of this change of articulation of It is well known that we comparatively reinitiw that it with non-containe in Indo-European, and it is to surprising this vowel w more readily tolerated this feature of the older language should be
a nkrit word inherited from Indo Euro flected in Indo-Irinn: not many Vedie and Banskrit words contain In Avent the T
h e Lone London, 1955) in hu been o ued by the change of to and the voiced labial plosive is therefore quite 2
W i de Gra
v ed ul. It is perhaps not so obvio buty Getting 10 0
W. P Alles,
l a Londo clear from a glance at my Sankrit dictionary. that initial and are totally been in Vedie
arm Ch u d Sanskrit, while initialye sade
w orm
Indio There are some w here you before in D , 12), pp. 13
" d e dema has been omitted from this discussion, as it probably represents development de
dele, with clision of the syllable was in di e see Musik Indological Felicitation Volume (Bombay, 1963, p. 216.
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