Page no 89 Notes on two postpositions of late Middle Indo-Aryan: tanaya and resi,
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London, 1963. AUMLA Journal of the Australian Universities Modern Languages Association) 22:340-341.
Review of Radhagovinda Basak, od. Asokan inscriptions, Calcutta, 1959. Journal of the American Oriental Society 79/4:290-291.
Review of Robert Birwe, Der Ganapagha zu den Adhyayas IV und V der Grammatik Paninis: Versuch einer Rekonstruktion, Wiesbaden, 1961. Journal of the American Oriental Society 84/4,459-460.
1960 99
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1965 134 Some sporadic changes of vowels in Middle Indo-Aryan. Indo-Iranian Journal
Review of Paul Hacker, Zur Funktion einiger Hilfsverben im modernen Hindi, Mainz, 1958. Journal of the American Oriental Society 80/2:167-168.
141 The Middle Indo-Aryan prefix voor and some phonological problems
associated with it. Journal of the American Oriental Society 85/3:350-354.
Review of Un oditto bilingue greco-aramaico di Asoka Testo, traduzione e note a cura di G. Pugliese Carratelli e di G. Levi Della Vida, con prefazione di G. Tucci e introduzione di U. Scerrato, Rome, 1958. Journal of the American Oriental Society 80/2:155-157.
146 A study of some features of the imperative in Middle Indo-Aryan, Journal of
the Royal Asiatic Society 1965:92-98.
1961 104 The indeclinable je in Middle Indo-Aryan. Munshi Indological Felicitation
Volume, Bharatiya Vidya 20-21/1-4:211-217.
Review of D.H.H. Ingalls, An anthology of Sanskrit court poetry, Harvard, 1965. AUMLA (Journal of the Australian Universities Modern Languages Association) 26:303-304.
111 Notes on some words meaning 'immediately in Middle Indo-Aryan. Joumal
of the Royal Asiatic Society 1961:39-44.
Review of Vladimir Miltner, Early Hindi morphology and syntax, Prague, 1966. Archiv Orientalni 35:684.
Review of H.W. Bailey, Indo-Scythian Studies: Khotanese Texts IV, London, 1961. AUMLA (Journal of the Australian Universities Modern Languages Association) 16:252-253.
1968 153 Remarques sur quelques conjonctions du moyen Indo-Aryan. In Mélanges
d'indianisme à la mémoire de Louis Renou, 671-676. Publications de l'Institut de Civilisation Indienne 28. Paris: de Boccard.
1962 117 Ghummira, gholira, 'agité, branlant'. Journal Asiatique 250:65-75.
159 Some interrogative particles in Prakrit. In Shri Mahavira Jaina Vidyalaya
Golden Jubilee Volume, 204-209.
128 'First', 'second and third in Middle Indo-Aryan. Journal of the American
Oriental Society 82/4:517-522
Review of C.G. Hartman, Emphasizing and connecting particles in the thirteen principal Upanishads, Helsinki, 1966. Indo-Iranian Journal 12/1:3435.
Review of Siegfried Lienhard, Tempusgebrauch und Aktionsartenbildung in der modernen Hinds, Stockholm, 1961. Journal of the American Oriental Society 82/3:434-436. Review of Ludwig Alsdorf, Ašokas Separatedikte von Dhauli und Jaugada, Mainz, 1962. Journal of the American Oriental Society 83/3:379-380.
Review of R.S. McGregor, The language of Indrajit of Orcha, a study of early Braj Bhasa prose, London, 1968. Journal of the American Oriental Society 89/3:636.
Review of J. Bloch, Application de la cartographie à l'histoire de l'IndoAryen, Paris, 1963. Journal Asiatique 251:119-120.
Review of Debi Prasanna Pattanayak. A controlled historical reconstruction of Oriya, Assamese, Bengali and Hindi, The Hague, 1966, Indo-Iranian Journal 12/1:35-37.