(parīşaha), the ascetic (muni, śramaņa) engaged in auspiciouscognition (śubhopayoga) should render assistance. He should render such assistance as to protect the worthy ascetic from calamity (upasarga) or affliction (parīşaha). Rest of the time he must engage himself in conduct, like meditation, that establishes him in pure soul-nature.
वेज्जावच्चणिमित्तं गिलाणगुरुबालवुड्ढसमणाणं । लोगिगजणसंभासा ण णिदिदा वा सुहोवजुदा ॥3-53॥
वैयावृत्त्यनिमित्तं ग्लानगुरुबालवृद्धश्रमणानाम् ।
लौकिकजनसंभाषा न निन्दिता वा शुभोपयुता ॥3-53॥ सामान्यार्थ - [ग्लानगुरुबालवृद्धश्रमणानां] रोग पीड़ित, पूज्य आचार्य, वर्षों में छोटे और वर्षों में बड़े – ऐसे चार तरह के मुनियों की [ वैयावृत्त्यनिमित्तं] सेवा के लिये [शुभोपयुता] शुभ-भावोंकर सहित [ लौकिकजनसंभाषा वा] अज्ञानी चारित्र-भ्रष्ट जीवों से वचन की प्रवृत्ति करना (बोलना) भी [ न निन्दिता] निषेधित नहीं किया गया है।
It is not forbidden if the ascetic, as part of his auspicious effort and with the purpose of rendering service to the worthy ascetic who is diseased (rogī), a preceptor (guru), adolescent (bāla) or old (výddha), must talk with the general public.
Explanatory Note: The ascetic (muni, śramaņa), usually, does not talk with the general public. However, if a situation arises when talking with the general public may help in protecting the worthy ascetics from calamity (upasarga) or affliction (parīşaha), he should do so. For no other purpose he should establish communication with the general public.