Explanatory Note: The breach of restraint is of two kinds, external and internal. If the breach is due to the activity of the body, without perversion of the mind, it is external. If the breach is due to the perversion of the mind, it is internal. The ascetic whose thoughts are pure and is careful, but due to the normal activities of the body, like walking, sitting, and sleeping, he happens to breach proper restraint, he may make confession of the breach and reestablish himself in the right course of conduct. If the breach is due to the perversion of the mind, it is more serious. He must approach a worthy head (ācārya), proficient in the administration of penance for purification, make confession, and accept the prescribed chastisement. He then reestablishes himself in the right course of conduct.
अधिवासे व विवासे छेदविहूणो भवीय सामण्णे । समणो विहरदु णिच्चं परिहरमाणो णिबंधाणि ॥13-131
अधिवासे वा विवासे छेदविहीनो भूत्वा श्रामण्ये | श्रमणो विहरतु नित्यं परिहरमाणो निबन्धान् ॥3-13॥
सामान्यार्थ - [ श्रामण्ये ] समता - भावरूप यति अवस्था में [ छेदविहीनो भूत्वा ] अंतरंग-बहिरंग भेद से दो तरह का जो मुनिपद का भंग है उससे रहित होकर [ नित्यं ] सर्वदा (हमेशा) [ निबन्धान् ] परद्रव्य में इष्ट-अनिष्ट संबंधों को [ परिहरमाणः ] त्यागता हुआ [ अधिवासे ] आत्मा में आत्मा को अंगीकार कर जहाँ गुरु का वास हो वहाँ पर अर्थात् उन पूज्य गुरुओं की संगति में रहे [ वा ] अथवा [ विवासे ] उससे दूसरी जगह रहकर [ श्रमणः विहरतु ] श्रमण विहारे अर्थात् व्यवहार कर्म करे ।