Explanatory Note: The soul (jīva) suffering from delusion (moha) fails to distinguish between the self and the non-self. Delusion (moha) gives rise to a) sense-of-mine (mamakāra) in objects or things, like the body, that are not the soul but are results of the fruition of karmas - 'This body is mine'; and b) selfconsciousness (ahamkāra) in regard to objects or things that definitely do not belong to the soul but are considered as own in thought – 'I am the king.' Engagement in external substances is due to the absence of the faculty-of-discrimination - bhedavijñāna. Engagement in the ‘self", i.e., the soul-nature, is due to the presence of the faculty-of-discrimination-bhedavijñāna.
कुव्वं सभावमादा हवदि हि कत्ता सगस्स भावस्स । पोग्गलदव्वमयाणं ण दु कत्ता सव्वभावाणं 2-92॥
कुर्वन् स्वभावमात्मा भवति हि कर्ता स्वकस्य भावस्य । पुद्गलद्रव्यमयानां न तु कर्ता सर्वभावानाम् ॥2-92॥
सामान्यार्थ - [आत्मा] जीव [स्वभावं] अपने चेतना-स्वरूप परिणाम को [कुर्वन्] करता हुआ [स्वकस्य] अपने [भावस्य] चेतना-स्वरूप भाव का [कर्ता ] कर्ता (करने वाला) [ हि ] निश्चय से [ भवति ] होता है। [1] और [पुद्गलद्रव्यमयानां] पुद्गलद्रव्यमयी [ सर्वभावानां] सर्व द्रव्यकर्म, शरीरादि भावों का [कर्ता ] कर्ता (करने वाला) [न] नहीं है।
The soul (jīva) is certainly the doer (kartā) of the dispositions (bhāva) that result due to its transformation in own nature. It is not the doer (kartā) of the transformation in material (pudgala) substances (dravya).