मोहेण व रागेण व दोसेण व परिणदस्स जीवस्स । जायदि विविहो बंधो तम्हा ते संखवइदव्वा ॥1-84॥
मोहेन वा रागेण वा द्वेषेण वा परिणतस्य जीवस्य । जायते विविधो बन्धस्तस्मात्ते संक्षपयितव्याः ॥1-84॥
सामान्यार्थ - [मोहेन ] मोहभाव से [वा रागेण] अथवा रागभाव से [वा] अथवा [ द्वेषेण] द्वेषभाव से [ परिणतस्य जीवस्य ] परिणमते हुए जीव के [विविधः बन्धः] अनेक प्रकार कर्मबंध [जायते ] उत्पन्न होता है [ तस्मात् ] इसलिए [ ते ] वे राग, द्वेष और मोहभाव [संक्षपयितव्याः ] मूल सत्ता से क्षय करने योग्य हैं।
The dispositions of delusion (moha) or attachment (rāga) or aversion (dveșa) in the soul give rise to bondage of various kinds of karmas; therefore, the soul must root out all such dispositions.
Explanatory Note: Due to its dispositions of attachment (rāga), aversion (dvesa), and delusion (moha), the soul undergoes the bondage of various kinds of karmas, like knowledge-obscuring (jnānāvaraniya), and, therefore, these three dispositions need annihilation. Not knowing the trap of the hunter, the male elephant, deceived by delusion (moha) and overwhelmed by attachment (rāga), moves near the female elephant while chasing away, out of aversion (dveşa), other male elephants; it ultimately falls into the camouflaged ditch. In the same way, the karmas form bonds with the soul when it is under the spell of delusion (moha), attachment (rāga), and aversion (dvesa). The soul aiming for liberation must root out these three causes of its downfall – delusion (moha), attachment (rāga), and aversion (dvesa).