canopies, and other splendours are examples of re-enjoyment. On destruction of the karmas that obstruct energy, the soul attains infinite energy. On destruction of these seven subtypes of karmas, the soul attains perfect faith and perfect conduct.
जदि सो सुहो व असुहो ण हवदि आदा सयं सहावेण । संसारो वि ण विज्जदि सव्वेसिं जीवकायाणं 1-46॥
यदि स शुभो वा अशुभो न भवति आत्मा स्वयं स्वभावेन । संसारोऽपि न विद्यते सर्वेषां जीवकायानाम् ॥1-46॥
सामान्यार्थ - [यदि] जो [सः] वह आत्मा [स्वभावेन] अपने स्वभाव से [स्वयं] आप ही [शुभः ] शुभ परिणामरूप [वा ] अथवा [ अशुभः ] अशुभ परिणामरूप [न भवति ] न होवे [तदा] तो [ सर्वेषां] सब [ जीवकायानां] जीवों को [ संसारः अपि] संसार परिणति भी [ न विद्यते ] नहीं होवे।
The soul, by its nature, entertains auspicious- and inauspicioustransformations; if such transformations were not present in the soul, it would not have transmigratory existence.
Explanatory Note: The soul undergoes transformations. As the crystal transforms into the colour of the flower that is in union with it, in the same way, the soul, since beginningless time, transforms into ignorant dispositions of attachment (rāga), aversion (dveşa) and delusion (moha) due to its union with external objects. If this were not the case, all souls would establish permanently in the state of liberation. Since this is not the case, it is clear that the pure soul of the Omniscient Lord (the Arhat) does not entertain auspicious-and inauspicious-transformations; other souls do.