Soul Science : Samayasara by Jain Acarya Kundakunda
of a country can play the role of the President keeping in mind his own private life and without considering the assets of the nation as his personal assets. In the same way, a SamyagDịști gets involved with worldly tasks as a person while recognizing the presence of soul and identifying oneself with the soul. A SamyagDrști householder acts as a person keeping in mind his own privacy as a soul. Further, he does not consider the assets and liabilities of the person as the assets and liabilities of the soul. As a person, the President knows that his official residence is not his personal property. In the same way a SamyagDrști knows that the physical body belonging to his personality is neither a liability nor an asset of the soul (Self). The President seriously participates in making and executing the budget of the nation. But as a person he knows that any negative or positive balance of the national budget does not affect his personal bank account. In the same way, a SamyagDrşti person takes care of his personal finance and other aspects but at the same time he knows that any loss or gain of the money is not going to make his real-self (Self or soul) richer or poorer. In technical language, liking (Rāga) for the official profit and progress, and disliking (Dveșa) for the official loss and deterioration are not owned by the honest President as a person. Similarly, liking (Rāga) for the personal profit and progress, and disliking (Dveșa) for the personal loss and deterioration belonging to the person are not owned by a SamyagDrști as a soul. This describes the absence of Rāga and Dveșa of a SamyagDrști while doing the worldly tasks as a person. In this regard, it is important to note that as a person a SamyagDrşti householder participates in various virtuous acts with enthusiasm but as a soul he does not consider oneself as the owner or doer of such acts. It may also be noted that the realization of the difference in the role as a President