Soul Science: Samayasara by Jain Acarya Kundakunda
gets tuned to the soul internally and at that level he disowns and discards both types of Karma. In this regard it may be of interest to refer to stanza 34 also. Technically, in the language of scriptures this is described as non-association and detachment with Karma in the belief (Śraddhāna) of every SamyagDrști. Thus if we focus on the belief (Śraddhāna), then there is no gap between the realization of the bad nature of Karma and ending the association and attachment with Karma.
Question: What about the time gap between the time of becoming SamyagDrști and the time to be free from all kinds of associations and attachment with Karma, internally as well as externally?
Answer: To any person the transformation from MithyaDrsti to SamyagDrști is a very significant event. It is considered as the first ladder towards climbing the 'palace of liberation'. Therefore, the focus on the internal aspect described in the answer of the previous question is very important. One's concern regarding the actions of body and mind is also important. It may be noted that immediately after such transformation from MithyaDrști to SamyagDrşti, the external conditions of family, job, wealth, etc. are likely to remain unchanged. A new SamyagDrști may be a shopkeeper, may be a king, may be a warrior, ... Technically, all such associations with job, family, and body are known as the effects of fruition of Caritra Mohaniya Karma (see Appendix 6). A journey from an external state of a householder to an external state of no association with any type of Karma, in general, requires time. How much? We may consider extreme cases. Let us first consider a fast track mode. The fast track mode is a rare event but not impossible. Among many new SamyagDrști there may be a person who may go for renunciation of worldly