Shedding of Karma (Nirjarā)
Enlightened beings are non-skeptical, therefore, they are fearless. Since they do not have seven kinds of fear, therefore, they are non-apprehensive. [228] Annotation
Stanzas 228 to 236 describe eight special attributes of an enlightened being (SamyagDrști). These eight attributes are also known as eight organs of SamyagDarśana.
This and the next stanza describe an attribute which is known as Niśanka attribute in Samskrta. The literal meaning of this word is 'absence of skepticism'. Another meaning of this word is absence of apprehensiveness.
The first half of this stanza says that a SamyagDrşti is nonskeptical (Niśanka), therefore, he is fearless, i.e., he does not have any kind of fear. The second line of this stanza reveals the following: A SamyagDrști does not have seven kinds of fear, therefore, he is non-apprehensive (Nišanka).
A SamyagDrşti has this realization that any cause of fear of any kind does not affect his soul. The list of seven kinds of fear as given by Ācārya Amộtacandra in Atmakhyāti is as follows:
(i) Fear related to the present life, i.e., the present world. (ii) Fear related to the life after death, i.e., the next world. (iii) Fear of pain or sickness (Vedanā). (iv) Fear of insecurity (Asurakṣā). (v) Fear of lack of privacy (Agupti). (vi) Fear of death (Maraṇa). (vii) Fear of casual happening (Akasmāta).
Ācārya Amrtacandra has nicely described these seven kinds of fear in Ātmakhyāti in verses 155 to 160. In these verses, Ācārya Amstacandra explains that a soul does not possess any physical body; a soul is eternal; nothing can damage a soul; soul's world is its world of consciousness... Therefore, problems of death, sickness, insecurity, etc. do not arise to a soul.