The Doer (Kartā) and the deed (Karma)
If a medical doctor does not have an understanding and trust in the basic principles of the medical science, then he would make wrong diagnosis and would write wrong prescriptions. His all actions related with the medical treatment can be considered as erroneous. Similarly, due to the false identification of the Self and others, an Ajñānī makes false judgment regarding the Self and others. At spiritual level, this makes every action of an Ajñāni erroneous.
Due to Ajñāna, an Ajñānī identifies anger, greed, ego, etc., with the Self (soul). Thus he brings anger etc., in the Upayoga. This leads to bonding of the Karma (see also Kalasa 165, and Gāthā 70 and 92). Thus an Ajñāni becomes the doer of Karma (Bhāva Karma).
A Jñānī understands the distinction between mind/body and the Self. The physical and emotional actions of body and mind are not identified as actions of the Self by a Jñāni (see also Gāthā 75). Or, a Jñānī does not bring anger etc., in the Upayoga. This makes a big difference. Due to this Jñāna (true knowing), he is not bonded by the Karma (see also Kalasa 165, and Gāthā 71 and 93), and therefore, a Jñānī is not called as the doer of anger etc. It may be noted that one cannot be bonded by the Karma for the actions of others. Question: How can one escape from the responsibility of actions
of one's own body and mind? Answer: In the worldly life, the law of the land and the society
would make a person responsible for the actions of one's own body and mind. In such a life, transactions and contracts are made by the persons (not by the isolated souls), therefore, the persons are responsible for the actions of their mind and body. In scriptures, the relative point of view takes care of such situations.
But we need to go somewhat deeper. To do so, let us take an example of a person named Suresh. Suppose Suresh is the President of a country. Suppose a corporate executive gives him a DD (demand draft of a Bank) for one million dollars for the Flood Relief Fund. In the Bank, there can be