The Doer (Kartā) and the deed (Karma)
परमात्मानं कुर्वनात्मानमपि च परं कुर्वन् सः । 391114211 ofta: Stafuri arch saft 119211 परमात्मानमकुर्वन्नात्मानमपि च परमकुर्वन् ।
t a: futh Shich wafat 119311 An ignorant being who considers a non-Self as the Self and the Self as a non-Self becomes the doer of Karma (Bhāva Karma). [92]
A Jñānī (an enlightened being), who neither considers a nonSelf as the Self nor the Self as a non-Self, does not become the doer of Karma (Bhāva Karma). [93]
From Gāthā 92 and 93 one can learn that a spiritually ignorant being (Ajñānī) becomes the doer of psychic Karma (Bhāva Karma) and a knowledgeable being (Jñāni) does not become the doer of psychic Karma (Bhāva Karma). As regards Dravya Karma (material Karma), it has already been explained earlier (e.g., see Gāthā 82 and 91) that a Jīva cannot be considered as a doer of any transformation in the matter.
An ignorant person does not understand the distinction between the Self and non-Self with full accuracy. Therefore, he commits mistakes in identifying the Self as well as the non-Self. For example, one can identify one's physical body as the Self. This is an erroneous understanding, and due to this false understanding that being remains ignorant (Mithyādrsti or Ajñānī). Further, if another being identifies one's physical body as the non-Self but the anger associated with him as the Self, then this is also an erroneous understanding (e.g., see Gāthā 39, 51) and due to this false understanding, that being also remains spiritually ignorant (Mithyādrsti or Ajñāni). Gāthā 92 says that the spiritually ignorant being (Ajñāni) is the doer of psychic Karma (Bhāva Karma).
A Jñāni even recognizes that the Upayoga or the Self is separate from any Rāga (inclination of attachment) or Dveșa (inclination of aversion) (e.g., see Gāthā 36, 38, 71, 75). A Jñānī understands the difference between the Self and non-Self. Gāthā