Inspite of suggesting of right path, opinion or recommending spiritual and other advice for their spiritual interest, if the person/s concerned ignore or react adversely, maintain calm, quiet & Balanced stature without any feeling of malice towards them. Maintain cool temperament & mood even, if you are insulted, or humiliated.
These 16 Bhavanas, shown & suggested by Jain Acharyas are inner wealth of life. Anupreksha is a journey from auspicious to purification equivalent to a pilgrimage. By practicing these Bhavanas, a living being enjoy taste of "Shanta Sudha Ras" and travel on Super Express Highway leading to liberation as a destination from the existing status of living being of common stature, - popularly known as from "Jeeva to Shiva."
The last day of Parvadhiraj Paryushana Festival of Jain community is known as "Samvatsari" or "Kshamapana" Parva" On this auspicious ("holy") day Jains perform Aalochana (Review of sins and errors, lapses committed during the year with a sense of guilt and seek apology) and samvatsari "Pratikramana" a yearly mass ritual covering, what is stated 'Alochana' and seek and give 'Kshamapana' to 84 Lacs types of places where jeeva is taking birth right from germs (subtle) one sensed immobile living beings up to five sensed human beings with mind as a additional power centre for thoughts. Not a single living being is left out of this practice. Special stress is laid on person/persons with whom unpleasant incidents have taken place or persons against whom evil feelings are developed. Either offended them or got offended by them. In short, all quarrels misunderstandings and ill feelings are forgotten & forgiven and a fresh clean slate is created to live a fresh better life ahead. Exchange of Apology lightens the heart and mind with ease.
However, by mere uttering of "Michha mi Dukkadam" is not enough, if should be accompanied by true & sincere feeling of heart and then only it becomes a real Kshamapana. Kshamapana is an art of winning by bowing down with modesty and humility. Kshamapana
is a trick of getting relieved of ill feelings, Kashayas, bitterness from the heart & mind through openness & Frank behaviour, Kshamapana must carry a feeling of repentance of sins, misbehavior and lapses committed during the year. A soul has to be liberated from burden of kashayas carried so far. Kshamapana makes one relieved of enemity and indulgence in non speaking terms (Abola) making free of misunderstanding or prejudices. It creates harmony in disharmonial life. In short, it is a time to bid good bye to all evils and caution not to allow any further, with proper awareness. Confession of errors, mistakes should precede kshamapana. Forgiveness implies ignoring of offence committed by others. This is a occasion to "forgive & forget". "Anamol chhe eh karuna, ehbhed lo pichhani
Haiyun Rade to Moti ne Ankh rade to pani"
Kshamapana feelings, a noble feeling which has capacity to make change of heart of even cruel and rigid criminal. Kshamapana wins over Anger. Kshamapana implies universal friendship. plunging of mind into well of equanimity full of water of samata - i.e. balanced state of mind. By taking plunge of this type, life will spread fragnance of kshamapana all around.
The sloagan for kshama Dharma is ask for kshama (Apologize) and give Kshama (forgive) It is a brave act of Jains to apologise without hesitation or feeling of shame.
Loka is divided into three parts. Viz. Urdhva Lok - Cellestial beings, deities stay in Urdhva Lok (2) Adholok - Hellish beings stay, as also Bhavanpati Deities are there (3) Trichhalok (Madhya Lok) where Humans & Tiryanch i.e. Birds, Animals etc. and other subtle, germs, mobile, immobile, 2 to 4 sense holder beings etc. stay.
We stay in Trichha lok, where many innumerable Devtas (Deities) of Vanavyantar & Jyotishi (Astronomy, space) category also stay. Besides, there are innumerable Islands (Dweeps) & oceans. We stay in Jambudweep, one of the island named as such. It contains 15 Karmabhoomies as locations. They are composed of 5 Bharat, 5 Airvat and 5 Mahavideh kshetras. There are humanbeings engaged in activities of ASI (Weapons - Manufacture & use), MASI (Use of pen) 70