If monks (M& F) visits the place of house holders at a time other than "Gouchari Period", the opportunity of offering other non-food items of their requirements should not be missed but the purpose of their visit should be ascertained by enquiry, and they should be served accordingly. When monks (M& F) return after collecting their "Gauchari" householder should follow them with modesty up to door step and greet them with courtesy requesting for visiting their place again and favour them for "Gauchari". This is a courtesy and expression of rational behaviour befitting the status of a householder with the quality of sense of humility (VIVEK). After monks (M & F) leave their place by collecting Gauchari offered, a householder should not prepare, nor buy fresh edibles to cover the quantity loss but get contended & manage with whatever left out for their consumption.
It is not proper for the householder to serve monks with food at their (Monks) place or at particular point of time or fixed day. But a request be made to oblige them and give them chance to offer foods and express their feelings directly or even in their absence, when they are about to start their meals but before actual consuming it. When monks visit their place, householder should not switch on
light to see who has come nor use electric bell to open doors. • Utmost effort should be made to stay away from all ineligible items
so that the golden opportunity to offer the monks is not refrained by mere negligence. Apart from offering food, mater, mookwas etc. other offerable items are cloth, vessels(patra), books Blankets, Rajoharana for cautious walking, protecting living beings (Subtle,) Medicine, Drugs etc. and request be made to accept them to monks. Always to
wish for offering such things and offer, when opportunity comes. • When monks(M & F) are new to the area a courtesy to accompany
them, to guide the route and show houses of other householders for the purpose of gauchari, should be invariably shown. This is also extended for acquiring medicines or place for toileting
SISISISISS INTRODUCTION TO JAINISM SHAISKOLA purpose acceptable to them, under code. The offering of alms are made to monks (M&F) for carrying out their avowed restrained life by providing comforts physically. Keeping this in mind, always enquiry be made about their comforts (whether they are at ease & peace ("Sukh shata" be ascertained). Whenever monks (M&F) visit house, be ensured that no light, or any electrical / electronics gadgets are switched ON or OFF. This applies, to computer, Phone, Mobile, 'Whats app, also. They should not be used. Monks (M&F) can also be offered & given shawls, items for their use (UPKARANS) which are permissible, and they are in need of. Books, Cloth covering body (PACHHEDI) etc. and If they need any medicine of Ayurveda or Homeopathy, can be given after enquiring. The rules & conditions for offering acceptable and permissible Food, water & other items are made keeping in view that their observation of five great vows (MAHAVRATAS), Five samities & three gupties be smooth & as required. They are made finer and very minute. Whatever given above are just samples of few of primary nature. Infact, in Agams & Scriptures they are dealt with extensively with details, analyzing deeply to cover needs of their avowed life.
LIFESTYLE & 12 Vows of
Shravak (House holder) Lord Tirthankara has established four Tirthas viz SADHU, SADHVI, SHRAVAK & SHRAVIKA. Both, Monkhood and Duties of a householder ultimately aimed Liberation (Moksha). Eternal happiness devoid of miseries. Path of monkhood is short but a strenous path, whereas life of a Jain Shravak viz Householders can be called a lengthy but an easy path.
Ganadharas have framed scriptures, called Agamas, also known as Dwadashangi. Acharyas have shown a code of conduct, to be followed & observed by the householders of Jain community, popularly known as Shravakas.
Components of code of conduct to be followed & observed by Shravakas, also called as "Shravakachar" mainly consist of:. Il (eleven)