****** celibacy, nonpossessiveness) through adoption of Panch Mahavratas, is called Sadhu Dharma or Anagara Dharma. Jain Darshan gives topmost importance to equanimity - balanced attitude and forgiveness. Because of this, Jain saint is also called & known as
The rules to be observed & followed by monks are "SAMACHARI" The Lifestyle of Jain Saints is distinct and tough. At the time of Diksha itself Sants & Satijis accept the vow of "Samayik Vrata". They never use vehicles, always travel by feet, irrespective of the distance. They have lifelong commitment, not to take or consume food & water during night. i. e. after sunset (Ratribhojan Tyaag) Periodically "Kesh Lunchan" is done by them, at fixed intervals. Except for chaturmas period. In the remaining days of "Sheskaal" a Monk can stay 29 days at a time in one single place, whereas sadhvi cannot stay beyond 58 days at one particular place.
Code of conduct for Monks and Life style of Shravak (householders) are like a big lake of sweet water ami'dst salty ocean of the worldly affairs.
If examined in the context of right perception, the scripture based original principles as contained in Agamas is the eternal absolute knowledge of omniscient Tirthankaras and can not ever basically differ amidst eternal flow of time (past, present & future.) However, without making any material change in basic principles, learned & experienced Acharyas can interprete and make necessary modifications according to whatever is not contrary to the guidelines of scriptures and can take appropriate decisions, as warranted, under the circumstances. In fact, conduct in accordance and consistency with prevailing time, is code of conduct.
The charge of Jainshasan is held by Acharyas & Senior Monks. It is, therefore, obvious and natural that high expectation is warranted as to the observance of the right & Proper conduct by them. High degree of character is expected of them. At present it is mandatory to have "Guru" (Spiritual Teacher). This is for the simple reason that there is no existence of Lord Arihanta i.e. Tirthankara in this kshetra (Region) and time Prevailing under the circumstances, in Chaturvidha Sangh, only "Sadguru" is the source, who provide and act as powerful and perfect guide to them. Whenever monks 37
become loose in their conduct and character, it is ideal senior householders, who make exhaustive efforts to bring them back to stability and make them adhering to proper code of conduct without making public noise as also willfully ignoring their weakness in maintaining strong character.
Jains are mainly divided in two traditions viz Swetambara & Digambara.
Further, Swetambar sect. is again subdivided into Deravasi (Idol worshippers Moorti Pujak) Sthanakvasi, & Terapanthi, leaving Digambara as separate sect. Among them also, they differ in their line of thinking, Practices, language and regions. On these basis, various Sampradayas sub sects have come into existence, through their formation.
Terapanthi group of Jains, functions under single Acharya (Head) and constitution. Swetambar and Digambars have All india conference, Organizations, Sanghs, and Mahasanghs and like this many institutions. All such parential (Mahajan) organizations, regulate control & guide. Gachhas, Sanghs, organisations of monks (both male & female) and Heads of Sangh issue 'Samachari' (code of conduct) relating to monks and those of Shravakas (householders) under regulated Shravakachar and code of conduct. Terapanth Sampradaya organize "Maryada Mahotsava"
Monks (Males & Females) have been advised to properly follow Directives commands of "Jinshasan". Alongwith ninefolded instructions for pure celibacy observation, they are asked to exercise vigil in adhering to Pure Knowledge, Perception (faith) Character (Implementation of mahavratas etc.). They are advised to keep themselves aloof on monetary affairs of sangh etc. Not to get entangled in Tantra, Mantra, Thread etc. These are banned in scriptures. Not to meet ladies in loneliness i. e. Ladies were told not to meet Monks while alone, and at isolated place. Female householders (Shravikas) have been advised not to go to the Sthanak occupied by monks, at night time and male householders (Shravakas)