session 2014-15 on becoming Central Sector Scheme. Funding will be 100%. Unior
Territories will be provided 100 per cent Central assistance. 17. MONITORING & TRANSPARENCY : The States/Union Territories implementing the scheme shall monitor the financial and
physical performance of the scheme at State/Union Territory level. For this purpose an I.T. enabled mechanism shall be in place. The State/Union Territory will be required to furnish quarterly financial and physical progress reports to the Ministry The State/Union Territory shall maintain year-wise details of the students receiving scholarship, indicating school/institute, location of school/institute, government on private, class, gender, new or renewal, permanent address and parents' address. The States/ Union Territories shall place relevant physical and financial details in their
official website. 18. EVALUATION :
The monitoring of the financial and physical performance of the scheme will be evaluated by assigning evaluation/impact studies to reputed institutions/agencies by the Ministry of Minority Affairs, Government of India.
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