The Boards/Universities/Authority in the State/Union Territory will write to the eligible students from the top of the merit list up to twice the number of scholarships available (to provide for possible refusal and ineligible cases) through a registered letter to confirm within 15 days whether he/she is prepared 10 accept the scholarship. The candidates from whom replies are not received within 30 days of the State Board/CBSE /ICSE seeking their willingness will not be considered for scholarship and the award will be given to the next eligible candidates in the merit list. The Boards/Universities in the State/Union Territory will send to each candidate shortlisted for consideration for award of scholarships the following: (a) Entitlement Card
The graduation level of that course. For all the courses the scholarship would be renewed up to a maximum of five years. The renewal will depend on promotion to the next class provided the scholar secures 60% or more marks or cquivalent Grade Point Average in aggregate for the two proceding semesters or of the annual examination which determines his promotion to the next class. It will also be subject to discipline and maintenance of attendance of at least 75% by the scholar. Complaints against the scholars regarding indiscipline including any complaints of having indulged in ragging would lead to forfeiture of scholarship If a scholar is unable to appear in the annual examination owing to illness and or on account of any unforeseen event, the award may be renewed for the next academic year on submission of medical certificate and other proof to satisfy the Head of the Institution who will certify that the student would have passed with 60% or equivalent Grade Point Average, had he appeared in the examination. A scholar would be allowed to continue/renew his scholarship if he changes the course of study to a stream not offered by his school Board in Class XII (e.g. Law, Fashion Technology, etc.). Students pursuing courses in which the duration is 5 years, would get scholarship of Rs. 1000/- per month for the first three years and Rs. 2000/- per month for the subsequent two years. Students changing their college/institute of study would be allowed to continue/renew the scholarship provided the course of study and the institution is recognized. A student will be eligible for the scholarship for a total duration not exceeding 5 years regardless of the courses and stream of study. Good conduct and regularity in attendance as mentioned above are also required for continuance of the scholarship. The decision of the MHRD will be final and binding in all such matters. Scholarship once cancelled will not be revived under any circumstances.
* Benefits