belonging to minorities at a concessional interest rate of 3% p.a. for pursuing professional and technical education.
Educational Development Programmes:
The grant-in-aid received by the Central Wakf Council is released to the loanee Wakf Instilutions on 6% donation basis for the Development of Urban Wakf Properties.
The 6% donation received from the loanee Wakls on the outstanding loan as well as the interest accrued on the Bank deposit form Revolving Fund for the "Educational Scheme" of the council which is utilized lor the following purposes:
(i) Scholarships to the poor students pursuing Technical/Professional Degree Courses@ R$6,000 per annum.
(ii) Ad-hoc grant to poor and needy students of General Degree Courses @ Rs.3,000 per
(iii) Matching grant to the Slate Wakf Boards for providing scholarships in their respective States 10 the School students, Madarsa students and to the students doing Technical/ Professional Diploma Courses.
Term Loan Scheme Margin Money Scheme Educational Loan Scheme Mahila Samridhi Yojana Through the NGOs Micro Financing Scheme Interest Free Loan
(iv) Grant for the establishment of ITIs. 10 the Muslim concentrated areas.
(v) Financial assistance to Voluntary Organizations for Vocational Training Centres. (vi) Financial assistance to libraries for developing Book Bank.
Schemes of NMDFC and achievements:
NMDFC has two channels to reach to the ultimate beneficiaries - one through the State Channelising Agencies (SCA) nominated by the respective State/UT Governments and the other through the Non Governmental Organisation (NGO). The schemes implemented by the SCA and NGOs are as under :
Through SCAS
RevolvingFunds Scheme
Term Loan Scheme
This is the main scheme of NMDFC being implemented smce inception of the Corporation. The Corporation provides loan to the extent of 85% of the project cost
Minority Ben