11113 ISSUC is uit VULLIC VI LLIC HILL ALIVE VI Vui hallhan Di. Juugal Jan. Di Juicua Pandey did a superb job to ensure quality of the five papers by deep interactions with the authors. Our thanks are due to Mr. Sushil Jana and Ms. Jyoti Pandey for word processing. Because of the norm for our journal to publish five papers only, we could not include all the articles in this issue. We plan to publish remaining articles in forthcoming issues of ISJSTransactions.
This special issue intends to encourage budding scholars of Jainism and scholar-readers to enhance their scholarship and research in Jainism.
Prof. Prakash C Jain
From the Chief Editor's Desk
The practice of Jain Women and Instructions of Religious Principles in Domestic Households
Dr. Elisa Eastwood Pulido
Ahimsā: A World-wide Practice for the Modern Age
Dr. John Thomas Mobley
The Three Jewels
Atmarpit Devang
The Celebration of the Soul: An Analysis of Daśalakşaņa Dharma with special reference to Supreme Forbearance
Atmarpit Shraddha
Are Aparigraha (Nonpossessiveness) and Meditation Mutually Exclusive or