1.1.7 To teach responsibilities and behavior to children:Following table displays list of various points we should try to follow # Category
Description 1 Education
Study with concentration and focus; Study hard & smart way; Spread the knowledge, Enjoy the learning Methodology of study (ref slide) Learn tables and formulae by heart Solve problems and exercises given at the end of each chapter in text books Use text books, guide, solved question answer books, question paper of last years and ideal answer books Have curiosity, ask doubts and questions to teachers, parents and friends Be with the company of good friends; Avoid bad friend circle Spread education awareness Do watch English TV NEWS and Financial channel Learn English, improve vocabulary, watch English news channel, read English news paper Do learn one foreign language Do plan a study calendar when examination date is declared, This is prepared using backward planning method! (see the slide) Do prepare time table how to spend a day (see the slide) Aim for higher education of your liking Use internet for education and reading purpose! Read wiki pages and other non-academic books! Do read wiki-pages and biopic of great people! Develop habit of writing essays or compile the thoughts! Keep reading non-academic books like novels, drama, literature in various
languages! Don't -
Do not take tension of study! Prepare well to face it! Take it easy, lightly but seriously!
Do not copy during examinations; do not worry if you are not scoring high Don't - Behavior Do not be a bad person!
Do not shout, Do not be angry! When you want to throw burning coal on other, you need to hold, who gets hurt? Do not harass parents, friends or any relative or teachers; Do not cry for small things! Do not watch TV more than 30 minutes a day Do not watch more than one movie in a month Do not be egoistic! One should have pride but not ego! Do not chat wrong things! Do not ask for more pocket money! Do not spend unnecessary! Keep depositing