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Sports Scholarships in india • Associateship for Young scientists How and Why to Get an On-Campus Job Many students want or need to work during college, but not all jobs are created equal. Working on campus is something every student should give serious consideration. There are special advantages of working on campus. Here are a few: 1. A school-friendly schedule: No one understands the demands on a college student quite like campus employers. They're also familiar with the college schedule, including breaks and finals, and tend to work around those if possible. 2. A financial solution: A campus job can sometimes be part of a student's financial package, in the form of a work-study job. Filling out the FAFSA will help student know if he or she is eligible for this kind of aid. 3. Caring adults: College is a time of transition. Most students aren't children anymore, but they aren't quite adults, either-at least when they first arrive at school. A campus job ensures that your child will regularly come into contact with adults who generally have his or her best interest in mind. 4. Great references: Those caring adults mentioned above can also be the source of some great references for future employment or graduate school. If your student works to secure a job in his or her field of study, those references will be even more valuable. Few ways to make your campus job search more successful: 1. Cast a wide net: You can apply for 10 campus jobs at the beginning of the year, get interviews, and only one ended up working out. If you're really interested in a campus job, don't be too picky about which one it is; most of them are relatively similar. 2. Follow up: Supervisors for campus jobs differ from supervisors at other jobs, because they often double as lecturers, researchers, authors, and more. Hiring a student assistant is not always at the top of their to-do lists, so keeping in touch with them may be what sets you apart from the rest of the applicants. 3. Be professional: It may sound like common sense to be professional in a job interview, but I have seen too many of my peers go to interviews underdressed or acting too informal. A campus job interview is still an interview, so treat it like one. Shake the person's hand, show up five minutes early, and never wear jeans. These are some of the easiest ways to show the employer that you are serious about the position. 6 Ways College Students Can Find Summer Jobs Finding a job in this economy is difficult for anyone, but some evidence suggests teens are among the hardest hit. If a summer job for yourself or your college student is on your to-do list, consider these ideas to help make it happen.