We are a mashup of people that we invite into our lives. So invite: 1 genuine, supportive truth tellers 2 ambitious, hardworking people who are welcoming and kind 3 self-taught optimists who teach and want be taught 4 happy givers 5 those who love and live for a better tomorrow
Courtesy Harsh Goenka compiled from Twitter - @hvgoenka Chairman - RPG Enterprises. Loves people, food, sports, art. Remember:
We always make a 'To Do' list. 1. Smiles bring more smiles.
Why not a 'To Be' list? 2. You only fail if you quit.
Things I want to be: 3. Time is a healer.
Happy 4. Overthinking creates anxiety.
Loving 5. Happiness is found within.
Caring 6. Kindness doesn't cost you anything.
Healthy 7. What you do, comes around.
Giving..... If you want to be Happy give up:
Traits of likeable people-Complaining
1. They treat people how they would like to be -Focusing on the past
treated -Resistance to change
2. Are principled and honest -Need for control
3. Always smiling -Toxic people around you
4. They love life -Envying
5. They create connections -Trying to impress others
6. Are compassionate Saying yes to everything
7. They work hard -Not facing the present
8. Are good listeners -Perfectionism
9. Have good manners -Unhealthy lifestyle
10. Are genuine -Short term mindset Person we adore
For better work-life balance: 1. Discusses ideas
1. Integrate work and what relaxes you 2. Is open to criticism
2. Prioritise well 3. Is focused on what he wants to achieve
3. Stop being a perfectionist 4. Is always on a learning mode
4. Be efficient and productive 5. Is loyal to his close people
5. Limit distractions 6. Reads on various subjects
6. Exercise self discipline 7. Gives exercise to his mind and body
7. Focus on tasks 8. Has hobbies and is not unidimensional.
8. Give mind body and spirit nourishment through
breaks. Features of a Great Life:
Do not hanker for