articulate their say, have convincing ability and dominating by nature! So merit of supervisor in a way decides the appraisal of the subordinates. Its funny! Also potential v/s performance is captured. Why is someone not performing? Its more to do with the environment, offered opportunities, leadership of supervisor, culture of the organisation, HR policies, etc which are all related not to the self! Then why punish this guy finding the gaps of performance and potential. What if someone has potential of nonethical and performing ethical, interesting? Really funny!
Few follow different methods. One I have observed has really impressed me. Employees are grouped based on their designations and preferred to be from the same division or project or account. For various parameters those are compared, who is better than other, not better or equal to each other. It is supposed to be using instinct and supposed to be fed online. Thus attempt is to evolve the hero within group. The best has to emerge.
One has to rate on capabilities, not on actual performance. If performance is poor, just one of the attributes gets impacted i.e. attitude. Mostly the entire intelligent thought process of designers has not reached to the individual. This is very interesting and debatable, inclined towards huge disagreement. If someone is most talented, however poor in execution, and thus has not contributed a damn, what is the use? There is a need toprovision of capturing ability to execute!
Organisation ask for feedback, and its anonymous. Can the feedback to be considered on face value if the guy does not have courage to say or put up the views declaring the name? Its ridiculous. I have encouraged employees to speak, discuss, share the points openly. Courage is an important attribute. Also appraisals have been observed to be a ground for squaring the personal issue or non-supportive approach or non-cooperation of the past! Should it be encouraging such feedback?
Organisation during appraisal period seems to be stand still, however everyone is busy! Isn't something drastically going wrong? Is that the reason, many have abolished the appraisals. Should appraisal be abolished? Few could not since those were unable to devise alternative convincing mechanism. And what is needed is really simple innovative quicker way, is there any?
Need of appraisal system: To be scalable, To be practicable, not to be wrongly influenced by supervisor or colleagues, to be judged by merit alone like initiative, contribution, delivery, innovative ideas, relationship, etc
1. Further thinking...what could be an innovative way to compensate employees for their contribution? What is the best way? In India we have devaluation of currency every year; inflation is higher single digit, so it has to be catered in salary hike as appropriate. In government, manufacturing and other conventional industry, it was adjusted allowing inflation allowance. Would software industry follow the same path? Following are few options...
2. Capitalism - Reward the highest to the best of the performer! It's an acknowledgement of the achievement and contribution. Salary is one of the ways; other ways are position, power, recognition, respect, etc.
3. Keeping minimum classes, Just 3 categories of increments? 6, 8 and 10% to B, A and A+ guys and pink slips to C! How to bucket employees in these 3? No alternative but appraise those!
4. Communism - Fix the upper bar for the top salary; Offer jobs to more employees! It is not motivating for the talented and contributing employee! How many real talented guys within an organisation, who are indispensable?