Mausoleums massive, facing nymph of fount, Of Sires revered of yore, preserve account, In sacred mem'ry, lights of Babi race, Immortalised by deeds of godly grace. Tall Sále Hindi towers attract the gaze Of passers-by engulfed in arch amaze. Dispens'ries, Offices, Courts, Schools, by score, Symbols of accidental lustrous lore;
Grain mart and Moonlight-square* of this great town Possess no small share of its chief renown. Ra Khengar's bulwark,† Ranik's arbour dear, Whose matchless charm allured King Sidhraj here. James Fergusson bridge, which spans the Kálwá rill, Prince Victor's Leper Lodge, Saint Datar's Hill. The Sardar, Sakkar gardens, redolent green, Transparent tank of Fairiest wondrous scene. All point to peerless feats of fibre fine, Achieved by glorious Junagad divine. Fresh fields of fragrant Flora, soothing shades, Conspicuous quarries clean, and gladd'ning glades. Primeval vistas, dens, bewild'ring dales, Supernal springs and wells, cliffs, rocks and rails; Magnificent mosques, set strings of splendid shops, Big balconied buildings, tiled and terraced tops.
*Chandani Chauk.
Parinu Talav.
†Upper Kote.
Aho! Shrutgyanam