13th Shloka: Preventing Theft & Avoiding Fear On Journeys
1.0 Purpose 1.1 Acquiring wealth, preventing theft and avoiding fear on journeys.
2.0 Scope 2.1. How can there be comparison between God's divine face and the moon. The latter is snailed with dark spots and looks pale as well in the day like the Palash Leaves, while your divine face which focuses the eyes of men, Gods and Nagas, surpass all (the objects of) comparison in this threefold world.
3.0 Method 3.1 After purification and having clothed in yellow with a yellow rosary, the Riddhi and Mantra syllables are to be chanted 1000 times a day for 7 days. The of olibanum is offered to the fire of the altar.
4.0 Resources Yellow clothes, yellow rosary, Olibanum Yantra, Mantra, Riddhi & Verse 7 Gravels are made mystic through olibanum.
Shloka - Repeat 9 times
My Almighty, how aesthetically pleasing do you appear! Deities are attracted to you; men are happier to have you in their eyes and hearts; even the animals and birds are grateful to have your glimpse. No metaphor is enough to narrate your appearance. All the comparisons and metaphoric descriptions fall short... The moon has no value in daytime; though it looks like a prince in the night, but it is pale in daytime... Oh God! The whole world looks pale and tasteless when compared with you.
Mantra - Repeat 108 times
Om hrīm shrīm ham sah hraum hām hrīm drām drīm draum dramh mohini sarva vashyam kuru kuru swāhā Om bhā nā ashtasiddhi kraum haum hamlavyum yutāya namah Om namo bhagawaté saubhāgya rūpāya hrīm namah
Riddhi (le pouvoir surnaturel) Om hrīm arham namo rijumadīnam