Case No.3
Doctor's Name: Dr. Ajay Mehta
Patient's Name: Mr. Raghunath Shambharkar, tea stall holder, a patient of Pyriform fossa Carcinoma (Lt Side), whose voice had totally gone due to radiotherapy. He had started chanting 45th shloka for Mantra healing. There was an improvement in voice. It was better in swallowing chapattis. He had started abhishek of yantra. His voice was recovered completely within span of 21 days improvement was seen in his health. After investigation in hospital, Dr. Ajay Mehta gave certificate, No residual cancer, all nodules cleared. His voice restarted and cancer got cured Dr. Ajay Mehta speaks, Spiritual Healing is not a very aggressive and it help in bringing down anxiety level of patient, so the painkillers and antibiotics start working on him smoothly. It is a very good complementary medicine.
PATIENT'S CASE HISTORY FORM Raghunath Shrawan Shambharkar Age: 53 years Sex: Male Address: Dr. Nagrale's House, Ambika Nagar, Nagpur. Patient's Complaint: Difficulty in swallowing Reports of previous treatments and names of doctors to whom patient has previously gone:
Tele Therapy Treatment - Govt. Medical College & Hospital, Nagpur Relevant Investigation:
Laryngoscopy & Biopsy - 28/05/09 - Pyriform fossa Carcinoma (Lt Side) Histopathology - 03/06/09 - Moderately differentiated squamous cell carcinoma General Examination - 15/06/09 - Ca Pyriform fossa, Lt Side (T2 NO MX)Growth find over Lt left pyriform fossa and extending to medial and lateral wall of pyriform fossa Radiography
- 16/06/09 to 03/08/09 - 33 radiations given. Endoscopy
- 16/09/09 - Oesophagitis. No residual or recurrence. Detailed reports: Diagnosis: Pyriform fossa Carcinoma 09/08/09 - Started chanting 45th shloka for Mantra healing. 12/08/09 - Improvement in voice. 24/08/09 - Feeling better started swallowing chapattis. 02/09/09 - Recovered his voice completely. 09/09/09 - Starting doing abhishek of yantra. 11/09/09 - Improvement in health. 14/09/09 - Check up done in operation theatre. Cannot see any nodule. There is nothing seen in throat. No saline required after 20 mins. The patient was asked to follow up after two months. 15/11/09 - The patient recovered his voice completely within span of 21 days.