(31) Asthtra, the onergy which tends to disturb the equilibrium 130 of dhatus and upadhâtus.
(32) Śhubha-nama-karma is a prakriti which imparts attractive- 131 ness to the limbs of the body.
(33) Ashubha-nama-karma is the onorgy which makes the bodily 132 limbs unattractive and offensive to look at.
(34) Subhaga-nama-karma is an energy which makes one the 133 objoct of love by others.
(35) Durbhaga-nama-karma acts in the opposite way to the 134 the subhaga prakriti.
(36) Susvara renders speech agreeable and melodious. 135 (37) Dusvara makes the voice croaky and unpleasant to hear. 136 (38) Adeya imparts radiance and glow to the body. (39) Anádeya makes a body devoid of radiance or glow. 138 (40) Yashakirti makes one popular in the world.
139 (41) Ayashakerti operates in the opposite way, and makes one 140 unpopular.
(42) Tirthanikara-nana-karma raises one to the supreme status 141 of a tirthamkara (God).
Vil. Gotra karmas arc of two kinds, that which secures one's 142-143 birth in a noble, influential or prosperous family (uchcha gotra.) and that which drags the soul into opposite kinds of surroundings (nicha gotra).
VIII. Antaraya karmas comprise the following five kinds of karmic energy:
(i) that which interferes with the making of gifts, though we 144
may be willing to do so, (ii) that which steps in to deprive us of gain, though we might 145
do all in our power to deserve it, (iii) that which prevents one's enjoying things which can be 146
enjoyed only once, such as food, (iv) that which interferes in the enjoyment of things which 147
may be enjoyed in more than once, such as pictures, and (v) lack of effectiveness to accomplish anything, though we 148
may do our best to succeed.