________________ Spiritual and Material Significance of the Concept of Paryaya 37 37 References 1. Kathopanisad 2. Philosophy in Practice - Adam Morton 3. Oxford Dictionary 4. Gunaparyayavada dravyam - Tattvartha Sutra - Umaswati 5. Niyamasara - Kundakunda 6. Theory of Non-Absolutism by Satkari Mukherjee 7. Pancastikaya -- Kundakunda 8. Samayasara --Kundakunda 9. The concept of Buddhist Nirvana - Theodore Stcherbatsky 10. Brahmam satyam jaganmithya 11. Jaina View of Life - T. G. Kalghatgi 12. Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol. II , P. 357 13. Labdhisara 14. Uttaradhyayana Sutra 15. The Spiritual Crisis of Man, Paul Brunton 16. Paradise Lost, John Milton 17. Sayings of the East and West 18. Introduction to Pravacanasara - A. N. Upadhye 19. Hermes (ed). - Uttaradhyayana Sutra 20. Sayings of the East and West.