The first stage is called Mithyādrasti, i.e. perversity of attitude. It is the lowest stage from where the spiritual journey of soul starts. It is considered as a stage of spiritual development because in this very state the efforts for the attainment of the right vision are made. The process of Granthibheda occurs at this stage. At this stage the soul is in the grip of extreme passions (Anantanubhandhi Kasaya). The souls are of two types - Bhavya (capable of attaining liberation) and Abhavya (incapable of attaining liberation). Abhavya souls will remain in this stage for infinite time, while the Bhavya souls will remain in this stage for a limited period of time.
The perversity of attitude is of five kinds - (i) acceptance of one-sided view or the extremist view (Ekanta), (ii) acceptance of the view, which is contradictory to the fact or reality (Viparita), (iii) veneration to the false creeds or the ritualistic views (Vinaya), (iv) doubt or instability of faith (Samsaya), (v) ignorance of the real nature of things (Ajñāna). This perversity of knowledge is due to the operation (Udaya) of extreme forms of four passions, i.e., anger, pride, deceit and greed. One who is in the grip of these extreme forms of passions cannot attain the right vision or the right attitude.
The second stage is known as Sasvadana Samyagadrsti, i.e. to have a momentary taste of the right vision. This is an intermediate stage and it occurs when soul falls from the right attitude towards the perverse attitude. This is a doubtful stage before accepting the false belief with a fanatical perversity. This stage is called Sasvadana Samyagdrsti because in this stage soul has a taste of the right attitude or right vision just as a person after eating delicious dishes, vomits and has a taste of those dishes in that state of vomiting. Prof. Kalghatgi explains this stage as a stage of hesitation before accepting the false belief (Some Problems of Jaina Psychology, p. 156).
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