Works on astrology dealing with the auspicious moments for particular functions give a number. of details regarding the mühürta of coronation. Tuesday. and Wednesday are to be avoided ; Sunday, Monday and Friday are all right if they are sabala ;' Uttarāyana is to be preferred but Chaitra, Ashādha and an intercalary month are to be excluded, as also Srāvana and Bhādrapada. The rikta-tithis 4, 9, 14 and 30 and the night are similarly to be avoided. It is generally believed that the first day of a month is not favourable for any auspicious undertaking. The period when the sun is in the Vșiśchika, Tulā or Kanya rāfi is recommended for coronation. We find from Pillai's Indian Ephemeris that the sun was in the Kanyā rāśi on the 29th August 1261 A.D. and the intercalary Bhādrapada was over two days earlier. Most of these general rules are found observed in the selection of the date recorded. The only question is about Dakshiņāyaṇa and Bhadrapada, during which the coronation should not take place according to the astrologers. The explanation of this question is to be found in the following remark of the author of the Muhurtaprakāka : mpite rajñi na kālasya niyamõ=tra vidhiyatë. In the case of a sudden death of the reigning king, the kingdom should not remain without a lord for a long time. It may be supposed that such an emergency arose and hence the coronation took place during the Dakshiņāyaṇa and Bhadrapada, though normally they are to be avoided.
The charter records the grant of the village of Kälugarva in favour of fifty-two Brāhmaṇas on the occasion of the king's coronation. The name of the gift village was changed to Pattavardhanapura apparently with reference to the occasion of the grant. The fifty-two donees of the grant belonged to twenty-two different götras. Thirty of them claim to be Bahvpicha or Rgvēdin, twentyone Taittiriya or Yajurvēdin and only one Chhandöga or Sämavēdin. The details are furnished in the following table.
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1. Atrëya 2. Kapi . 3. Kädyapa .
Do. . 6. Do. . 8. Kaundinya . 7. Do. .
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. Bahvrioha. . Do. . . Do. .
Taittirlys . . Chhandoga
Bahvpicha : . Taittiriya .
Bahvpicha . . Do. '
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .'.
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8. Kaukiks
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0. Gärgya
1 Muhurtachintamani, Nirnayasagara Press, 1907, p. 324. . Cf. Vasishtha quoted in the commentary on the Muhurtachintamani, loo. cit. • Brihat Muhürlasindhu, Venkatisvara Press, 1885, p. 139. • Muhürtaprakäsa, Venkatēsvara Press, 1917, p. 45. • Hrihat Muhurtusindhu, loc. cit. Muhurtachintamani, loc. cit.
Brinat Huhúrtasindhu, loc. cit. • Tho commentary on the Muvirlachintamani also holds this view.