No. 1]
ERRAGUDI EDICTS OF ASOKA (XXIII) Only happiness (of the people) in the next world is what is regarded by the Beloved of the Gods as a great thing (resulting from such a conquest).
(XXIV) And this record relating to Dharma has been written (on stone) for the following purpose, (viz.) that my sons and great-grandsons (who may flourish after me) should not think of any fresh conquest (by arms) as worth achieving, that they should adopt (the policy of) forbearance and light punishment (towards the vanquished, even if they) themselves achieve the conquest (of a people by arms), and that they should regard the conquest through Dharma as the (true) oonquest.
(XXV) Such (a conquest) brings happiness (to all concerned both) in this world and in the next.
(XXVI) And let all their intense joys be what is pleasure associated with Dharma. (XXVII) For this brings happiness in this world as well as in the next.
[BOULDER D] 1 (I) Devānampiye Piyadasi lājā sava-påsa[m]dāni pavajitāni 2 [gihathūni va pūjayati dāne)na vividhāya cha p[ūja]yā [l*) (II) no chu tathā dānam
va 3 [pūjā] va Devānampiye manasti] a[tha] [kiti sāla-vadhi] s[iyā) sava-pāsandānam [l*]
(III) sāla-(va)4 dhi chu bahu-vidh[ā]* [I*] (IV) tasa chu [i]yar m[@]L[e] a vacha-gusti) kiti ata-pāsam[da]
[pūjā] va pala-pāsarda-galahā 5 (vā no] siyā a-pakalanasi la[hu]kā (va] [si]yā ta[si] ta[si palkala[na]si [l*) (V).[pū]jestaviya)
va chu pala-pāsamd[ā] tena [te]na 6ākälenu ()*] (VI) hevam kalantar ata-pasamda[m] bā[dhari] vadhasya]ti pala-pā[san]dasa
pi cha upakaleti (I*(VII) tad-aminath[ā] kala[nita) 7 a[ta*)-pāsaídam cha chhanati pala-pā saņ[dasa) pi cha apakalesti] [*] (VIII) e hi kechhi
ata-pāsamdam pūjayeti (palla-pasamdan v[a] galahati 8 Bave ata-pāsaņda-bhastiya va] kisti ajta-pāsam[da]i di[paye]ma [ti] se cha mana tatha
kalamtain b[a]dhatale upahamti ata-pasamdam (1") (IX) se sama9 vāye (va] tādhu ki[ti) annam-anāsa [dhammam sunevu) cha susūseyu cha [l*] (X) hevam
hi De vâ]nampiya[sa i]chhà kiti dava-pasamda 10 bahu-sută cha kayan-agama cha huvey[u ti] [1*] (XI) e [cha) tata tata (pasaṁnā) te hi vata
viy[e] [*] (XII) Devānampiye no tathsā) dānam v [X] [pū]ja v[ä] mamnati 11 ntha kiti sāla-vādhi si[yā) sava-pāsa[m]dānam ti [*] (XIII) [ba]huk[ä] cha etāye a[thälye
viyāpatā dhamma-[ma]hāmātā ithi-dhiya[kha)-mahām[a]tă 12 vacha-bhūmiko(kā) cha aṁne cha nikāyā [l*] (XIV) iyam (chu e tasa phale [ata-pāsaṁda
vadhi] cha hoti dharmasa cha d[i]panā ti (1)
1 (hakravarti: "This letter is not clear on the rock." * Chakravarti : " The à sign is not clear on the rook." • Chakravarti : " These two letters are not clear on the rock." • Chakravarti: "There sooms to be a lottor like wa on the rook at the end of the line after ti." Chakravarti: “ The letter a is not oloar on the rook."
Chakravarti: thimild.