287 of the vāram (i.e. share of produce or income) from these êttams (i.e: the villages ?) [to the government ?]' so that this charity endures as long as the moon and the sun last. Imprecation.
In the light of the information furnished by the records edited above we may briefly review the political vicissitudes of the Vaidumba chiefs who ruled in this area. The three records together show that Vaidumba rule over Kalakada stretched for over two centuries and a quarter. However, they do not furnish a connected account of the members of this family. Ganda-triņētra of A and Bhuvana-triņētra of B figure apparently as independent kings. If the surmise that Bhimarăja of the Madras Museum plate of Bhuvana-trinētra was the parent of Kundavā, the queen of Ariñjaya, is conceded, one among Parāntaka's Vaidumba opponents was probably Bhimarāja himself. Their subjugation by the Cholas, followed by their matrimonial alliance with the conquering power, seems to have left the Vaidumbas virtually independent, but soon the family had to submit to the Rashtrakūta power under Akalavarsha Krishna III as revealed by the Pālagiri inscription of Kaliga-triņētra Bhima-mahārāja, son of Maduka-mahārāja. Vikramādityan and Tiruvayan, the Vaidumba vassals of the Rashtrakūta monarch, figure in the Kijūr inscriptions as holding sway over the South Arcot region. With the death of Rashtrakūta Kpishna, the Cholas once again imposed their suzerainty over the Vaidumbas. Sankaradēva and Sõmanātha, the son and grandson of Tiruvayan, figure as subordinates under Rajaraja I' and Rajendra. But their position under the successors of Rājēndra is yet unknown until we come to the reign of Kulottunga under whom Tidališan of record C figures as a vassal. It is, however, doubtful if this chief belonged to the line of Tiruvayan, the members of which do not use the prasasti which characterises the other branch. Moreover the sway of the branch represented by Tiruvayan and his successors was confined to the area round about South Arcot, while Tidalisan and his forebears, who called themselves the lords of Kalukada, ruled round their ancestral home, independently wherever it suited them but bending before a suzerain as occasion arose. Some members of this line seem to have been subordinates of the Chāļukyas of Kalyāna? while Tidalīšan ruled over Kalakada as Kulottunga's vassal.
(5 Plates)
D. C. SIRCAR, OOTACAMUND A few years ago a labourer discovered a set of inscribed copper plates while digging the earth near a Siva temple called the Parisarēśvara-dēvālaya in the village of Dubi in the Kamrup District, Assam, about three miles from the Pathshala railway station on the old Bengal-Assam Railway. The set contained no less than six plates. Unfortunately, however, the sixth or last plate is said to have been broken and lost soon after the discovery of the set which later found its way to the Assam State Museum at Gauhati. Mr. P. D. Chaudhury, Curator of the Museum, studied the inscription and published it in the Journal of the Assam Research Society, Vol. XI, Nos. 3-4, pp. 33-38 ; Vol. XII, Nos. 1-2, pp. 16-33. The paper, however, was not properly
The devadana villages were inade over to Chamunda-bhatta as kani, i.e. they were leased out to him, he being the lessee and Tidaliban, the donor and the ruling chief obviously representing the government, the lessor, Hence the stipulation of payment of a seventh share, obviously to the government.
* Above, Vol. XXVIII, p. 67. * A. R. Ep., No. 323 of 1935-36, p. 65, para. 23. • Ibid., 1906, p. 49, para, 28. . SII, Vol. III, No. 51. • Ibid, No. 53. 811, Vol. IV, No. 798; above, Vol. XXVIII, p. 116.