No. 5)
V. 12. The commander of the forces, Náchi, became the repository of renown when the world sang (his virtues) in admiration in the following terms: "His conduct is in keeping with the path of Manu ; in serenity he compares with the ocean ; in eminence............and in valour he is on par with the son of the Lord of the Day (i.e., Karna)".
V. 13. Being aptly described by the world in commendable expressions Nācharasa earned the epithet, Parārtha-Vidyadhara (i.e., the Vidyādhara among the philanthropists).
V. 14. The commander of the forces, Nachi, who possessed excellent virtues and was like his own mind to the king, assumed the office of principal counsellor as directed by the emperor.
Lines 29-33. Hail! The asylum of the entire earth, lord of the Goddess of Fortune and the Earth, the paramount overlord of sovereigns, the great ruler, the supreme master, ornament of the lineage of Satyasraya, embellishment of the Chalukyas, the illustrious king Tribuvanamalladēva is carrying on his victorious rule with ever-increasing prosperity in happiness and entertainment of pleasing conversation, to endure as long as the sun, the moon and the stars, from his residence Kalyāņa.
LI. 33-51. On Sunday, the fifth day of the bright half of the month of Pushya of the illustrious Chāļuky a-Vikrama year 7, corresponding to the cyclic year Dundubhi and on the holy occasion of the Uttarāyaṇa-samkrānti, the king, hail !-at the request of the queen Chandaladēvi who is privileged to enjoy the thousand-fold fruit accruing from the unceasing supreme welfare and prosperity; who strolls like an intoxicated elephant in the royal premises ; the Goddess of Love to the Mind-born God (i.e., Cupid, in the form of her husband), the illustrious sovereign ; subduer of the sense of elation of the jealous co-wives; bearer of the face-moon that swells the milky ocean in the shape of the mind of (her husband) the distinguished suzerain ; abole of splendour ; moving creeper hugging the wish-fulfilling tree, namely, the illustrious monarch ; adept in supporting those who seek her protection; who is the blow of adamantine fist on the heads of malicious and conceited co-wives; who showers gold incessantly, whose immaculate lineage has purified the whole realm of the harem ; who imparts delight to the heart of the gol Nārāyang among kings, to wit, Vikramiditya VI ; who is worshipper of the lotus feet of the goddess Gauri (=Pärvati); who derides the ladies of the harem, indecorous with the elation of their good fortune; who dwells in the expansive chest of the illustrious lord Tribhuvanamalladēva and who bears the title, 'Fairy Queen in the art of dancing' ;-made over with the pouring of water a gift of incoma, free from all impositions, derived from tolls and levies such as perjunka, bilkode, vaddarāvula, on a thousand pack-bullocks in the region of Alande Thousand, for the offerings to the gol Svayambhu Sömēśvara of Alandapura, the first ani the foremost town in the district of Alande Thousand, to the illustrious divine Surēśvara Paņdita, in charge of the temple of Sõmēsvara ; hail !-who is endowed with self-restraint, self-discipline, spiritual study, meditation, conservation, silence, religious practice, incantation, absorption and exemplary character; who is an outcome, as it were, of the heart-felt wishes of the wise persons; who quenches the wild fire of hunger of the helpless and the destitute; who quells the intoxication of the elephant of sinfulness; who is ever wakeful in protecting his creed; who is the never failing abode of plenty; a crest-jem among the learned; wish-fulfilling jewel to the elite ; who has secured the gracious boon by propitiating the feet of the eminent divine Vādidēva Pandita ; who diverts himself in doing good to others.
Ll. 51-55. And Yuvarāja-Vallabha Mallikārjuna who is holding the administrative charge of the province of Alande Thousand by the favour of the king, exempted the taxes, jalla, kullavalike, sūda and bannige in the twelve villages endowed to the god Svayambhu Sömesvara of Alande, after making a request to the king, at the instance of Dandarayaka Nächarasa, the pergade of the province.
1 An required by the context, I have translated the expression jagadala as realm '. Its other meaning illustrious' does not suit here. See above, Vol. XV, p. 357, verse 18.