[VOL. XXVIII which is specifically mentioned in the record as situated to the east of Manapura is represented by the modern village of Tena, which is 2 miles east of Manor. The name of Kurāta vishaya, wherein Manapura was included, has perhaps survived in the modern name Kirat, a village, lying 12 miles north-east of Palghar town. The Velugrama of the inscription seems to be identical with Velgaon, 3 miles south-east of Kirat and 14 miles east-north-east of Palghar. As regards Vengi1-vishaya, it is extremely doubtful if by this is meant the well-known homonymous tract between the Godavari and the Krishna on the eastern coast, as from aught we know of this ruler, his territory could never have extended so far. I am therefore unable for the present to identify Vengi as also Urachhaka and Bōdatta which were included therein.
I edit the inscription from the original as well as from a set of excellent estampages supplied through the kind courtesy of the Director General of Archaeology.
First Plate
1 न स्वस्ति [*] जयत्याविष्कृतं विष्णोर्व्वाराहं
तवंष्ट्राग्रविभात (न्त) भुवनं वपुः [* ]
भिस ( स ) प्त
शोभितार्णव (वम्) [1*] दक्षिणोओमितार्णव (म्)
सकलभुवनसंस्[] मान* ] मानव्यसमाजानी हारीतीयुषाणा ( भी ) सप्तलोकमाथि (तु)
मात्रि (तु) निरभिवद्धितानां कार्ति (ति) केयपरिरक्षणप्राप्तकल्याणपरंपराग
रायणप्रसादः -
भगना (बा)
समासादितराने सनसनवशीकृताशेषमही भूतानां पुलुक्यानी कुलरिज्म (व)मेघावभृथस्नानपवित्रीकृतगात्रस्य सत्याधयश्रीप्रि (पु) थिवी वल्लभ' महाराजाधिराजपरमेश्वर श्रीकी
राजस्य प्रियात्मजोनेकनरपतिशत कुटतचटितमभिगणकरनिकरसमुल्लसितोद्योतितचरणकमलयुगलस्यो तरापथाधिपतिश्रीहर्ष वद्धं नराम्रयोपत [य] परममाहेश्वरोपरम
मनामधे सत्याचीधि (1) थिवीवासभमहाराजाधिराजपरमेश्वरथीपुलकेशियनमहाराजः त
Expressed by a symbol.
The visarga is superfluous.
4 Read mahthhritain.
• Bha was inserted later on, below the line between lla and ma.
1[The correct reading is Venti-vishaye. See below p. 21 n. 2. The present Bhendi, a village about four wiles north-east of Manor, may represent the ancient Vanti. Ed.]
• [This form may be derived from the root yutbhasane. See above, Vol. XXIII, p. 97, n. 8.Ed.] Read yugala Uttarapath.
• Read as in other Chalukya grants परमेश्वरापरनामधेयः .