196 194 yanţa(na)phu(pu)r-ākhyē sāsanā Pūtimäsha-gotrasya [ķi]gvēd-āutarggata-Sakala-sākh
adhyāyinaḥ sāsan-adhikā[ri)- 1 195 Allālanātha-sēnāpatēr-bhāga-dvayam dvija-vyavasthitam(tam) létat-támvra(mra)-le
khaka-tāmvra(mra)kārasya Pannāļiran-akhsyasya] 196 dvija-vyavasthitam bhāgam=ēkam(kam) |lo|| asya sāsanasy -āngataya Jayapura-hattiya
suvarmnakāra-Nārāyaṇa-[sā]197 [dhor-na]ptā Kumbhāra-sādhu-nāmā || Sidranga-hattiya-gõpāla-Gõpin-nāmā | Vada
tāla-dandā-gõpāpa-tfaili)198 ka-Dradāi-śrēshthikasya naptā Kālo-srēshthi-nāmā || Satha-grāma-navā(va)-hattiya
kumbhakāra Jayadēva-frē[sh]thikasya na[ptā] 199 Dë[vāji-srēshthi-nāmā || etās-chatasraḥ prajāḥ prādāt ........
Sixth Plate ; Second Side
Lines 200—208 ......
(2 Plates)
G. H. KHARE, POONA A. Nägad Plates of Sendraka Nikumbhälla sakti : Saka year 577
These plates were originally owned by Mr. Giramāji Dagadu Pāțīl of Nāgad, taluga Kannada, District Aurangabad (Hyderabad State). Mr. G. R. Padalkar of Chalisgaon (East Khandesh) acquired them on loan for the Rajwade Samsodhana Mandala, Dhulia (West Khandesh), the Secretary of which Institution very generously allowed me to edit them in the Society's Journal in Marathi. I re-edit them here in English.'
The set in question consists of two plates, each measuring 8]" by 37", strung together on & circular ring two inches in diameter. The two ends of the ring are soldered into an oblong seal with diameters of it' and 2". The first plate is written on one side only, while the second contains writing on both sides. Though the rims of the plates are raised to protect the writing, it is not well preserved. It has been obliterated all along and a large number of letters has been practi. cally erased. Owing to rust, the first plate has got a hole in it, while a corner of the second plate has completely disappeared. Still, with the help of the texts of the Bagumra and Kalwan (Mundakhēdē) plates, I have been able to decipher the grant fairly well.
The characters of the grant are the proto-type of old Kannada and closely resemble those of the Bagumra plates and also the Käsärē plates published below (B).
1 The danda is superfl ous. Sandhi has not been observed here. • Better read ovyavasthito bhaga ēkah. . This is followed by parts of the verse mad-dana-phala-siddhy-arthanh, eto. • This face is not numbered as the reverse sides of the first five platos.
Continuation of the usual imprecatory and bena lictory verses found in the records of Narasimhs II. • Vol. VIII, No. 3.
A note on this grant in English has been published by me in Nere Indian Antiguntry. Vol. I, No. 12. Ind. Ant., Vol. XVIII, pp. 265 et seq.
• Prabhata (Marathi Journal), Vol. II, No. 12; Annual Report of the Bharata Itihasa Sargodhaka Mandala for Saka 1834, pp. 60 et 87.